Tag Archive: Rei

Jan 13

Weekly Update #493: 1st Progress Update Of 2024

Before we get into this week’s update, here’s a little reminder that we recently published our progress summary for 2023 as well as our plans for 2024, along with an extra post over on Patreon with a few more personal words. So if you have missed any of that and are curious to know more …

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Dec 09

Weekly Update #488: Main Script Done, Final BGM Sample, Commissions & Fanart

Alrighty, today, I’ve got a lot to share with you guys, so let’s jump straight into the exciting news! A couple of days ago, I wrote the final line of script before the start of the credits roll for GENBA no Kizuna! And not only that, today, I also essentially finished the secret bonus scene …

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Apr 29

Weekly Update #456: Plans For May

Last week, I talked a little about some of the difficulties that come along with writing an interactive murder mystery visual novel with non-linear segments, so if you’re curious about some of the struggles I’ve been facing while working on the latest investigation routes, please go ahead and check it out! As for today’s blog …

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Jul 23

Weekly Update #414: Quick Update & SHINRAI Switch Sale

Alrighty, I started out the week by doing quite a lot of script work and I’m beginning to finally feel satisfied with some of the stuff I’ve been working on recently, so by the end of this month, the first set of investigation routes for chapter 4 will hopefully be done! Unfortunately, we’ve had quite …

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Nov 20

Weekly Update #379: Rei’s Route Progress

Although script work on Himatsu‘s route is not entirely done yet, this week I’ve decided to tackle Rei‘s route and made some very good progress on it. I’m planning to have the first part of it, the actual investigation, done by tomorrow. Unlike Keiichi‘s and Himatsu‘s routes, in which you will have to interview the …

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Aug 14

Weekly Update #365: Another Quick Progress Update

With SHINRAI‘s 5th anniversary drawing closer, I’ve started work on a special little illustration this week. If you’re a member of our Discord Server, you can already catch a first glimpse of it in the “shinrai_bbd” channel! I’ve made some pretty good progress on it, so a proper Patreon preview will follow shortly! This illustration …

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Jul 03

Weekly Update #359: Plans For July

New month, new plans and new goals! I’m currently still in the process of getting things back in order, so everything is progressing slowly, but it’s progressing nonetheless and, day by day, I’m picking up the pace a little. As a matter o fact, I haven’t felt this much determination to get things done in …

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Feb 06

Weekly Update #338: Asset Progress

With the start of February, I decided to finally tackle the second chapter of GENBA no Kizuna and make as much progress on it as I possibly can throughout the month. And so far, things have gone rather smoothly and I’ve actually had a very productive week! First off, I took care of some essential …

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Sep 07

Weekly Update #264: On To The Next Tasks

Let’s start off with another reminder that the extended demo for our next murder mystery VN is finally out! If you’d like to learn more about it and/or even try it out, you can do so by visiting the GENBA no Kizuna section here on our website, or our store page on itch.io. Yesterday, Khana …

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Jun 08

Weekly Update #251: Timeline, Sprite & Gallery Updates

Alrighty, we’re now one week into Jurassic June and I’m more fired up than usual to make some progress! So what have I been working on over the last seven days? For the most part, I’ve started to focus on sprite art again! All of Ryuunosuke‘s sprite variations are now officially done and if you’re …

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