Tag Archive: Jun

May 18

Weekly Update #511: Another Quick Progress Update

So, last week, I mentioned a huge zip package I was preparing for Natsu and by now, she has essentially already taken care of coding everything that was inside of it! The gallery illustrations still need to be properly placed and there is some checking/testing to be done in order to ascertain whether everything works …

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Feb 17

Weekly Update #498: Valentine’s Art & More GENBA Progress

A couple days ago was Valentine’s Day and even though I sadly didn’t have the time to draw anything myself for the occasion, I once again commissioned the ever so talented Jun to draw us something in her super adorable art style, so to start off today’s post, please check out these two cute little …

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Dec 09

Weekly Update #488: Main Script Done, Final BGM Sample, Commissions & Fanart

Alrighty, today, I’ve got a lot to share with you guys, so let’s jump straight into the exciting news! A couple of days ago, I wrote the final line of script before the start of the credits roll for GENBA no Kizuna! And not only that, today, I also essentially finished the secret bonus scene …

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Sep 30

Weekly Update #478: Endings & Kamens

Well, at least script-wise, I have reached the branching point where we split off into different outcomes, so yeah… I can officially state now that I’m currently working on the endings for GENBA no Kizuna! Particularly the true culprit ending at the moment, as I want to get that out of the way first before …

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May 20

Weekly Update #459: Chapter IV Progress Update

As mentioned in our last blog post, this past week my task was to finally take care of Shinketsu‘s latest route and I can proudly announce that it’s officially done as well! My part on it, anyway. Now it’s all in Natsu‘s hands to make it playable along with the wrap-up scene for the second …

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Apr 01

Weekly Update #451: Plans For April

A new month has begun and so it’s time to think about what we would like to accomplish by the end of it! Naturally, our primary focus will remain on GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter and finishing it as soon as we can. And given that two thirds of it are more or less done …

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Mar 25

Weekly Update #450: Chapter IV Progress

Not sure if I ever even properly shared it before, but let’s start off today’s post with the movie poster I whipped up for Warriors Of The Mesozoic, the in-universe movie that Raptor Pack Productions (our group of suspects) is working on in GENBA no Kizuna! I recently noticed that it was still using Terano‘s …

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Mar 18

Weekly Update #449: Laundry Room

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, there wasn’t much left to do regarding the laundry room, so I have finally finished it and decided to share a little preview with you! Now, I gotta admit that, technically, it’s not 100% done. As you can see, there is a picture of Amber hanging on the …

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Mar 04

Weekly Update 447: Asset Progress

As the title suggests, this past week, I’ve been mostly busy with asset work, the latest result of which you can see above: a new expression for the character Tsume. She’s finally going to make a full body appearance in Shinketsu‘s next route. Overall, she will only have very limited screen time, so there won’t …

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