In the last few blog posts, I talked about the conception of GENBA no Kizuna and how it evolved over the course of its development.
Today, I’d like to start getting into the development process itself, the challenges we faced and the lessons we’ve learned.
And I thought I’d begin by answering a question we’ve been getting a lot over the last few years: why did it take so long?
Development on SHINRAI started in September of 2013 and the final product was released on August 26, 2016.
In other words, it took us almost exactly three years. GENBA on the other hand was only released on August 26 of this year…
so a whole eight years after SHINRAI! How in Pangaea did that happen!?
And it becomes seemingly even more unfathomable when you consider that on August 26, 2021, we released the full first chapter of GENBA for beta-testing! Meaning that it took us “only” three years to complete chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the bonus content.
Which isn’t actually that bad. In fact, it seems pretty swift given that GENBA is twice as big as SHINRAI!
Essentially, we finished almost two SHINRAIs in the last three years. So I guess the bigger question here isn’t why GENBA as a whole took eight years, but rather: why did its first chapter take 5 to complete!?
Well, there is a number of reasons for that, so let’s go over them one by one, shall we?
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