Monthly Archive: July 2021

Jul 31

Weekly Update #363: Plans For August

July’s almost over and another month about to begin, which means it’s time to set up a plan and some goals! As always, there are some very specific things I’d like to get done, so without further ado, let’s take a closer look at them…

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Jul 24

Weekly Update #362: Asset Progress

As you can tell by the title, asset work has continued and I’m finally done with everything art-related that was still missing for the first chapter! So all that’s left now is revising the script for the last scene and finishing it up already. There is one more week to go before the end of …

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Jul 17

Weekly Update #361: Chapter I Nearing Completion

Alright, unlike last week, this time, I have some exciting things to share again! You may have already seen it on Twitter or our Discord, but Natsu finished coding the investigation of Ryuunosuke‘s room, meaning that I got a chance to play through the whole thing and boy was it fun! Seeing everything in actual …

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Jul 10

Weekly Update #360: CG Progress

Today, we’re just going to have a very quick progress update! While Natsu is busy coding the rest of the investigation, I’ve continued working on the subsequent scenes, mainly focusing on assets this week. The plan is for me to prepare all the assets that Natsu will have to color/shade, such as the “dead body …

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Jul 03

Weekly Update #359: Plans For July

New month, new plans and new goals! I’m currently still in the process of getting things back in order, so everything is progressing slowly, but it’s progressing nonetheless and, day by day, I’m picking up the pace a little. As a matter o fact, I haven’t felt this much determination to get things done in …

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