Monthly Archive: December 2021

Dec 25

Weekly Update #384: 2021 Retrospect

As has become customary by now, today, I would like to take the time to look back on this past year and summarize what we have accomplished and how much these accomplishments diverge from the goals we originally set all the way back in January, so… Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

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Dec 24

Merry Christmas!

This year, GENBA no Kizuna‘s mischievous Himatsu is here to wish you some Happy Holidays! I kinda get the feeling that she won’t hand over your present that easily, though… With this, the GENBA Girls Christmas Series is finally complete! You can find the others in our gallery or check them out right here: Rei, …

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Dec 22

Winter Sale 2021

Once again, we’re closing off the year with the annual Winter Sale! So if you’re one of those awesome peeps who like to enjoy their holidays by unraveling the truth behind grotesque murder cases, now’s the perfect time to try our SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair or convince your buddies to finally give it a …

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Dec 18

Weekly Update #383: Quick Progress Update

As the title says, just a very quick update again today, as I’m sadly a little short on time and low on energy! The majority of this past week has been dedicated to script work again, mainly revising Shinketsu‘s and Rei‘s investigation routes. Whereas Shinketsu‘s is fully done now and only in need of one …

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Dec 11

Weekly Update #382: More Script Progress

I’m officially on vacation from my day job for the rest of the year now and, as you might expect, I intend to make the most of it by fully devoting myself to GENBA no Kizuna. I’m already off to a very productive start as I’ve went through the entirety of Keiichi‘s route again yesterday, …

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Dec 04

Weekly Update #381: Shinketsu’s Route Progress

As you can tell from the title, this past week has been mostly dedicated to Shinketsu‘s route. As mentioned last time, I was rather worried that, compared to the other routes, it will end up being noticeably shorter and… it certainly will be a quicker experience. That said, I’m surprised by how much I managed …

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