Tag Archive: Shinketsu

Jan 13

Weekly Update #493: 1st Progress Update Of 2024

Before we get into this week’s update, here’s a little reminder that we recently published our progress summary for 2023 as well as our plans for 2024, along with an extra post over on Patreon with a few more personal words. So if you have missed any of that and are curious to know more …

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May 06

Wekly Update #457: Background Art & Coding Progress

It’s once again time for a quick progress update and as you can tell from the title, we’ve moved ahead in two very specific categories! I started out this week by finishing up the CG I mentioned in last week’s blog post and shared a preview of on Patreon and, along with it, I’ve also …

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Dec 04

Weekly Update #381: Shinketsu’s Route Progress

As you can tell from the title, this past week has been mostly dedicated to Shinketsu‘s route. As mentioned last time, I was rather worried that, compared to the other routes, it will end up being noticeably shorter and… it certainly will be a quicker experience. That said, I’m surprised by how much I managed …

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Feb 06

Weekly Update #338: Asset Progress

With the start of February, I decided to finally tackle the second chapter of GENBA no Kizuna and make as much progress on it as I possibly can throughout the month. And so far, things have gone rather smoothly and I’ve actually had a very productive week! First off, I took care of some essential …

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Jun 08

Weekly Update #251: Timeline, Sprite & Gallery Updates

Alrighty, we’re now one week into Jurassic June and I’m more fired up than usual to make some progress! So what have I been working on over the last seven days? For the most part, I’ve started to focus on sprite art again! All of Ryuunosuke‘s sprite variations are now officially done and if you’re …

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Mar 14

Happy White Day 2019!

Last year, Taiko was here, dressed up rather fancily, to wish you a happy White Day! This time, it’s his dad’s turn! And just like his son, Shinketsu has also dressed up very elegantly! At least, according to his definition of the word “elegant”… Patrons can download a hi-res version, as well as just Shinketsu …

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Nov 10

Weekly Update #221: Extended Demo Progress

If you’ve kept an eye on our Twitter over this past week, you might have noticed quite a bit of Rei on the timeline!

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Oct 27

Weekly Update #219: More New Sprites!

Yep, you’re seeing that right! Even though I thought I had all the sprites ready for the next part of the extended demo, I kinda ended up… making a couple more! Though, to be fair, these ones were planned to be used in the game eventually anyway. I just found use for them earlier than …

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Sep 22

Weekly Update #214: Sprite Progress

In last week’s blog post, I was talking about the sprite variety in SHINRAI and GENBA as well as how I usually go about creating sprites and what kinds of considerations go into that. Over this past week, I put that to practice as I continued working on Shinketsu‘s and Rei‘s sprites for the extended …

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Sep 08

Weekly Update #212: Textbox Changes

Over this past week, I’ve continued working on what I’ve talked about in last week’s blog post. Namely, making some adjustments to GENBA no Kizuna based on the feedback we have gotten so far. So let’s take a look at what exactly has changed!

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