Monthly Archive: May 2021

May 29

Weekly Update #354: GENBA Prologue Update

Alright, if you’ve been closely following our recent updates, you probably know that our main goal right now is to finally get the entire first chapter of GENBA no Kizuna fully playable. In order to do so, we need to add 4 additional scenes to the content of the extended demo, and although that might …

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May 22

Weekly Update #353: Ryuu’s Room Investigation Progress

This past week, I’ve continued working on the investigation of Ryuunosuke‘s room, slowly shaping things up into what I want them to be like in the final game. For the most part, that means ironing out the dialogues and investigation comments, as well as deciding what kind of stuff to keep, what to kick out …

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May 15

Weekly Update #352: Amber & Keiichi

Currently, I’m working on the first real investigation segment at the end of the first chapter, in which Keiichi and Amber are inside of Ryuunosuke‘s room. Although most of my time has been spent on the script again, writing the various dialogue scenarios between the two of them, I’m also taking care of the remaining …

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May 08

Weekly Update #351: Script Adjustments

For the most part, this past week has been spent on script work again. As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, the main goal this month is to finally get the first chapter fully done. Part of that involves going through what we have already released in the shape of the extended demo and …

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May 01

Weekly Update #350: Quick Progress Update & Plans For May

Today, we’re just going to have a very quick progress update again, so let’s start with the best news first: I can finally do art again! After having some monitor issues over the past two weeks, that prevented me from working on the assets, I’m back to precisely that and even managed to get a …

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