Monthly Archive: December 2019

Dec 28

Weekly Update #280: 2019 Retrospect

This year has been a rather eventful one. A lot of things have happened and there have been some pretty big changes in my private life, which inevitably affected the development of our current visual novel project, the murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna. Overall, I am happy with where I am right now, but there …

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Dec 24

Merry Christmas!

Oh my, just like Rei last year, Amber doesn’t seem all too happy to be wearing this kind of outfit and usually, she wouldn’t. However, if a certain someone asks her to, she (luckily) can’t bring herself to say “no”. Our little raptor Kira also doesn’t seem too sure what to think of this, but …

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Dec 21

Weekly Update #279: Christmas Preparations Part III

Alright, let’s start off with a little sale reminder! Right now, SHINRAI is 50% off, so if you haven’t played it yet or you know someone who would enjoy it as a Christmas gift, you can find all the details regarding the sale right here. Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into …

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Dec 19

Winter Sale 2019

The annual Winter Sale has officially started over on Steam and once again, we have decided to join in! So if you want to unwrap more than just presents this December, why not try tackling the countless mysteries in our little murder mystery SHINRAI?

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Dec 14

Weekly Update #278: Christmas Preparations Part II

Less than two weeks now until Christmas Eve! There are still things that need to be taken care of before we get there, but most of the important stuff is out of the way now, at least. Just earlier today, I finally posted a full preview of this year’s Christmas artwork over on Patreon. Natsu …

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Dec 07

Weekly Update #277: Christmas Preparations

Okay, so I kinda lost track of time a little and therefore really don’t have much time to write a blog post this week, meaning that I will have to keep this very short and basic, so sorry about that! Then again, it’s not like there is awfully much to report, anyway. Which doesn’t mean …

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