Tag Archive: Artwork

Jun 29

Weekly Update #517: Beta-Test Phase

That’s right! After spending the last couple of weeks thoroughly testing GENBA no Kizuna, we’ve finally reached the point where we can send out the beta build to our testers!

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May 18

Weekly Update #511: Another Quick Progress Update

So, last week, I mentioned a huge zip package I was preparing for Natsu and by now, she has essentially already taken care of coding everything that was inside of it! The gallery illustrations still need to be properly placed and there is some checking/testing to be done in order to ascertain whether everything works …

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May 11

Weekly Update #510: Quick Progress Update

Yep, it’s a shorter post today, given how late it already is and how busy I still am. Since Natsu has just finished coding everything from the previous zip package I gave her, I really want to send the next one over ASAP. Thankfully, that really only requires some more double-checking, but it’s a lot …

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May 04

Weekly Update #509: Extras & Plans For May

Last week, I primarily worked on the credits and results screen for GENBA no Kizuna, figuring out how to handle the Detective Ranking this time around. Ever since then, I’ve moved on to the game’s extras section!

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Sep 09

Weekly Update #475: More Writing & Coding Progress

While Natsu has been diligently coding more of the remaining investigation routes, not only wrapping one up over this past week, but also getting closer to being done with another, I’ve continued dedicating myself to the script for the final chapter, slowly working torwards the pivotal part of the final discussion: the selection of the …

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Mar 04

Weekly Update 447: Asset Progress

As the title suggests, this past week, I’ve been mostly busy with asset work, the latest result of which you can see above: a new expression for the character Tsume. She’s finally going to make a full body appearance in Shinketsu‘s next route. Overall, she will only have very limited screen time, so there won’t …

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Dec 24

Merry Christmas!

This year, GENBA no Kizuna‘s grumpy little T-Rex fanboy is here to wish you some not so grumpy Happy Holidays! If even Ryuunosuke can relax and put on a smile to enjoy a cozy Christmas, hopefully, you can do so as well! At the very least, that’s what Natsu and I wish for you! So …

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Oct 31

Happy Halloween!

This time around, I decided to finally go for an idea I’ve been wanting to draw for literal years now. Taiko didn’t wear a Halloween costume in the actual game, so I thought it’d be fun to think about what he would have dressed up as if he had decided to go in a costume …

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Sep 10

Weekly Update #421: Chapter IV Writing Progress

With SHINRAI’s anniversary and GENBA’s chapter III demo release lying behind us, it’s time to fully dedicate ourselves to chapter IV! As such, I’ve been getting back into writing and have spent most of my time working on the script over the course of this past week. Right now, I’m simultaneously working on the third …

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Feb 26

Weekly Update #393: Quick Progress Update

With Keiichi‘s and Shinketsu‘s routes fully coded and Rei‘s currently being made playable by Natsu as well, there is only Himatsu‘s left now before we can finally finish up the second chapter! To give you an idea as to the length of it: excluding Himatsu‘s route, chapter 2 currently sits at around 35,000 words. Adding …

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