Monthly Archive: April 2022

Apr 30

Weekly Update #402: Coding Preparations

As you can tell from the title, this week, I’ve mostly focused on getting things ready so that Natsu can return to coding duties and finally get the next part of the game playable! I’m currently still revising and double-checking things, but tomorrow, I’d like to send her everything necessary for coding the first social …

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Apr 23

Weekly Update #401: Soundtrack Progress

As you may have already seen over on Twitter, our composer Solo Acapello was quite a bit faster than I anticipated, so the new tracks I’ve talked about in last week’s blog post have been finished now! If you’re a patron, you can check out both pieces in full length here: Triassic Trial Grounds, Cornered …

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Apr 16

Weekly Update #400: Sprite, Music & Writing Progress

Dang, we’ve hit another milestone there, eh? 400 consecutive weekly updates… I wish I could say I had something special prepared in celebration of it, but unfortunately, no grand announcements just yet! That will take a little more time, I’m afraid. We do have made quite a bit of progress again, however, so let’s get …

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Apr 09

Weekly Update #399: Confrontation Phase

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’m currently working on the script for the first “Confrontation Phase” in GENBA no Kizuna. Here, our investigators face our suspects and confront them with the clues and evidence they have uncovered thus far. As such, the entire chapter is basically one long discussion that addresses some of …

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Apr 02

Weekly Update #398: On To Chapter 3!

With GENBA no Kizuna‘s second chapter now completed (which patrons can actually check out themselves right here, in case you’ve missed it), it’s time to finally move on to the next part of the game! As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’ve already been working on the first “Social Phase” which can be seen …

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