

Dec 09

Weekly Update #488: Main Script Done, Final BGM Sample, Commissions & Fanart

Alrighty, today, I’ve got a lot to share with you guys, so let’s jump straight into the exciting news! A couple of days ago, I wrote the final line of script before the start of the credits roll for GENBA no Kizuna! And not only that, today, I also essentially finished the secret bonus scene that plays out after the credits!

Now granted, there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of the writing. I still have to fill in some small dialogue gaps here and there, write the little extra scenes that appear during the credits (similar to what happened in SHINRAI) and do some general revising, proofreading and overall polish, but at least I no longer have to worry about content and structure or anything of that sort.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about things such as “What should the final scene be like?”, “What should the final line be?” and, in general, “What are the right words to conclude this story?”, but from here on out, those kinds of contemplations will no longer be necessary and, to me, that’s another significantly huge step forward!

I will spend the next days working on the credits, which I already have some neat ideas for, so hopefully, it won’t take long to wrap them up, either. Now, speaking of the credits, since that’s where I’m currently at writing-wise, I thought it’s also time to finally share the actual credits theme. So if you’re a patron, you can now listen to the full track right here!

For everyone else, I’ve at least got a little preview:

In other news, yesterday, VTuber Mai Kyua did her very first stream of SHINRAI and it was quite a lot of fun to watch her go through our previous murder mystery VN! For now, it looks as though she’ll be streaming it every “Fuwa Friday” at 1:00 PM PT! If you’ve missed it, you can catch yesterday’s stream here! I’ll try to be present for the next one as well, so maybe I’ll see you there!

(Screenshot from the Fuwanovel account)

Now, before we come to a close, I once again have some art to share with you! First of all, I’ve commissioned the always amazing, super talented and ultra kind Jun for some new profile icons and, given the time of the year, decided to go with our frosty crime scene technician Rei! I couldn’t really decide whether I wanted to have her drawn in her CSI uniform or the Christmas dress I once designed for her, so Jun… just did both! And here are the absolutely adorable results:

Jun is currently still open for commissions, so if you’d like some cute icons for yourself, you can make a request on her Ko-fi page!
They’re only 6€, which is criminally cheap, so really no reason not to!!

Jun‘s commissioned art isn’t all I have to show, though! A couple days ago, I was in for a huge surprise when someone played our GENBA demo over on itch and not only left us a really nice comment there, but also sent us an e-mail with some super cute fanart attached to it! So check out this animated chibi Keiichi gif, a beautiful Amber and a super adorable Ryuu, all drawn by… Ryuu-chan!

(Gotta appreciate that online handle w)

As always, all the art has been added to our gallery where you can find a lot more art by an ever-growing number of talented artists, so be sure to scroll through!

But I guess that about wraps it up for today, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3