

Jan 13

Weekly Update #493: 1st Progress Update Of 2024

Before we get into this week’s update, here’s a little reminder that we recently published our progress summary for 2023 as well as our plans for 2024, along with an extra post over on Patreon with a few more personal words. So if you have missed any of that and are curious to know more about our overall progress on GENBA no Kizuna, be sure to check them out!

With that out of the way, what have I been up to this past week? Well, as mentioned last time, I’ve decided to go through the final chapter again from the beginning, getting it ready for Natsu to code scene by scene. I already have a pretty big zip package to send over to her, but unfortunately, she’s caught a cold, so it’ll be a little longer until she can return to her coding duties. In the meantime, I will just continue going through the script as planned. My current goal is to reach the halfway mark by the end of the month.

Other than that, Solo and I have continued ironing out the lyrics for the vocal theme song. He’s sent me a couple of demos over the last few days and I really like how things are turning out! I think it’s super fun and super catchy. It’s seriously stuck in my head now and I can’t wait to hear the final version and share it with you all! But that’ll sadly have to wait a little longer.

Anyway, the last two postings became extremely huge and I wanted them to solely focus on the topics at hand, but now I think it’s about time to finally share some art with you again! You might have already seen me share these on our social medias, but I wanted to feature them here as well. As a little Christmas gift and to commemorate the beginning of the New Year, Ryuu-chan sent us some more super adorable fanarts, this time of Rei and Shin:

Once again, finding them in my mailbox filled me with infinite amounts of joy like only dinosaurs can usually achieve! They’ve been added to our gallery as well, so take a look at that if you want to see Ryuu-chan‘s other pieces, as well as art by many other very talented artists!

Now, as always, I wish you to have an enjoyable remainder of your weekend! Until next Saturday, take care :3