Tag Archive: Fefi

May 11

Weekly Update #510: Quick Progress Update

Yep, it’s a shorter post today, given how late it already is and how busy I still am. Since Natsu has just finished coding everything from the previous zip package I gave her, I really want to send the next one over ASAP. Thankfully, that really only requires some more double-checking, but it’s a lot …

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May 06

Wekly Update #457: Background Art & Coding Progress

It’s once again time for a quick progress update and as you can tell from the title, we’ve moved ahead in two very specific categories! I started out this week by finishing up the CG I mentioned in last week’s blog post and shared a preview of on Patreon and, along with it, I’ve also …

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Apr 29

Weekly Update #456: Plans For May

Last week, I talked a little about some of the difficulties that come along with writing an interactive murder mystery visual novel with non-linear segments, so if you’re curious about some of the struggles I’ve been facing while working on the latest investigation routes, please go ahead and check it out! As for today’s blog …

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Apr 15

Weekly Update #453: GENBA Progress Update & MMBN LC

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, there was a particular part in GENBA no Kizuna‘s fourth chapter, which didn’t quite land the way I had hoped for. Natsu‘s feedback made me think about it some more and also helped me realize that there were even some logical flaws in it. I’ve struggled quite a …

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Apr 08

Weekly Update #452: Myterious Silhouettes

As I’ve mentioned many times before, given how deep we’re into the story of GENBA no Kizuna now, most of what I work on nowadays is too spoilery to share and even in the cases I do have something I can show you, it’s pretty vague as you can see above. You may recognize one …

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