

Oct 14

Weekly Update #480: Fuwanovel Interview & CG Progress

If you’re following us on Twitter or have joined our Discord, you may have already seen it, but a couple of days ago, the guys at Fuwanovel not only published their review of SHINRAI, but also an interview they conducted with me about it!

This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to give an interview, so it still feels a little bit surreal to me, especially since it’s another one of those things I’ve always dreamed of as a child, but never actually believed would ever happen. Well, now it did and it was definitely a fascinating and fun experience! Mishka, the interviewer, asked a wide array of questions (some of which really got me thinking), from how Natsu and I got into visual novel development and our inspirations to my opinions on indie development in general or what makes a good murder mystery. A lot of behind the scenes stuff is covered too, some of which I’ve talked about before and some which you may not yet have heard about. So if you’re curious to learn more about how SHINRAI came to be, the meaning behind the title, our decisions regarding the console ports and so much more… give it a read via the link above!

I’m very grateful to Fuwanovel (especially Hata and Mishka) for giving me this super cool opportunity! Be sure to check out their website and socials for more interviews, reviews and great visual novel coverage in general! I’d certainly be up for another interview if they’re willing to endure my ramblings again! Maybe about GENBA no Kizuna when that one’s finally out…? *fingers crossed*

Now, speaking of GENBA, this past week’s progress mainly relates to CG art as you could already tell from the title of this post.
After spending so much time on the script again, I really needed a little writing break and since the three CGs that are required for the final chapter all depict rather gruesome and shocking scenes, they seemed like the perfect task to handle during Halloween month, haha. Given the subject matter, I obviously can’t show you any previews, but one CG depicts a character stumbling over a dead body, another a character getting into a life-threatening situation and the last one a character… well, in the process of taking their final breaths… but that’s about all the detail I’m willing to give you! Due to their extremely spoilery nature, I won’t even post previews of these on Patreon this time, which is why we will continue with more BGM track releases over there for now. Patrons can expect another one to be uploaded there this coming week!

Anyway, that’s it for today, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care and have a spooky time °w°