May 11

Weekly Update #510: Quick Progress Update

Yep, it’s a shorter post today, given how late it already is and how busy I still am. Since Natsu has just finished coding everything from the previous zip package I gave her, I really want to send the next one over ASAP. Thankfully, that really only requires some more double-checking, but it’s a lot to go over, since it’s a huge package! It’ll contain everything for her to code the credits, ranking and extras. Well, at least most of the extras, because I still need to do some more work on a few of the bonus scenes.

But this will be the last package to really contain any new game assets! Everything I’ll have for her after this will really only be additions and changes to the script!

So yeah, we’ll soon be able to focus solely on testing, which I’m super excited for! And to get there as quickly as possible, it’s right back to work for me now! But not without first – you guessed it – leaving you with some cute art again:

Fefi has already drawn our entire investigation team in her cute “children’s book” art style before, which you can all find in our gallery!
It’s just so super adorable!! Please be sure to show her some love by checking out her linked IG profile!

Now then, as always, I wish you to enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3

May 04

Weekly Update #509: Extras & Plans For May

Last week, I primarily worked on the credits and results screen for GENBA no Kizuna, figuring out how to handle the Detective Ranking this time around. Ever since then, I’ve moved on to the game’s extras section!

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Apr 27

Weekly Update #508: Detective Ranking

I’ve mostly wrapped up work on the credits for GENBA no Kizuna now. All that’s left to do in that regard is the Patreon section, as I’m still waiting for some of our patrons to tell me if and how they’d like to be credited. So, in the meantime, I’ve moved on to tackling the Results Screen of the game, which will show you how many Detective Points you’ve earned and what Detective Rank you have achieved upon conclusion of the investigation.

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Apr 20

Weekly Update #507: Credits

As you can see from the title, this past week, I’ve been primarily working on the credits sequence for GENBA no Kizuna, so I figured we could delve into that topic a little more today. There are essentially two parts to the credits: the credits themselves and the “epilogue” scenes interspliced with them, just like it was the case in SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair or how you might know it from the Ace Attorney games.

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Apr 13

Weekly Update #506: Quick Progress Update & Mystery Gamedev Website

Last week, I talked a bit more about the connection between SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair and GENBA no Kizuna and how, even though there is a chronological order to them, you can really play them in any order you wish. So, if you want to learn a bit more about that, be sure to check out the respective post linked above!

As for today, I’m just gonna leave you with another quick update, as I’m once again incredibly busy. My work on the credits, extras and bad ends for GENBA continues and I really wanna try to wrap it up soon, so that we can finally hand the game over to beta-testers. The biggest hurdle right now is overcoming my perfectionism, since I wanna keep tweaking various things a bit more… “orz

Anyway, I’m aiming to finally have the bad ends fully done by tomorrow evening, so maybe that might be a topic to delve into a bit more next week. But for now, I’ll just get back to work! Well, almost… I want to highlight something as you could already tell from the title: the newly updated website for our Mystery Gamedev Community! It’s still a work in progress, but now features a database containing mystery games (nearly 200) which you can search for by various means (keywords, release dates, demos etc.).

As of right now, only games available on Steam can be discovered, but itch games will eventually be added as well!

So, if you’re itching to delve into some mystery games, do check it out! And if you want to discuss said mystery games or learn more about how to make your own or even partake in a mystery game jam, head on over to the Mystery Gamedev Discord which is close to reaching the 300 member mark, so yeah… it’s grown quite a bit since it was established last year!

Now, with all that said, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3

Apr 06

Weekly Update #505: Which Order…?

I’ve talked about the differences and similarities between GENBA no Kizuna and SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair before, particularly when it comes to the feel of both projects, how we approached them or how the mysteries and characters are handled (which you can read all about here). However, I haven’t properly addressed yet how exactly the two projects tie into each other and how they are connected in terms of their plots. And since I’m currently working on the GENBA stuff that really highlights its connection to SHINRAI, I figured it’s a good time to finally tackle this topic and answer an important question:

In which order should you ideally play them?

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Mar 30

Weekly Update #504: Another Quick Update

Alright, since today was pretty busy and it’s a bit late now, we’ll unfortunately have to settle with another super quick post today.
And I figured I might as well take the opportunity to direct you towards a couple other, lengthier posts we’ve published recently.
With GENBA no Kizuna nearing its completion, we have started to get into some release-relevant topics, the two major ones discussed so far being:

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Mar 23

Weekly Update #503: Quick Progress Overview

Last week, we’ve unveiled GENBA no Kizuna‘s theme song “Dig Deep”, so if you haven’t heard it yet, be sure to check it out here!
We’ve provided a lengthy preview in the post, while patrons can even check out the full song! I’m really happy with the result and think everyone working on it did an absolutely amazing job, so I just had to highlight it again!

And since we’re already on the topic of highlighting things, I’d like to do the same with another new fan art that was sent to us recently, once again drawn by “Ryuu-chan” who… drew us another adorable Ryuu-chan, together with a very beautiful Amber!

(The way they look at each other, hnnnnnnnngh…!!)

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Mar 16

Weekly Update #502: GENBA’s Theme Song

As you may have seen me mention every once in a while, our composer Solo Acapello and I have been working on a vocalized theme song for GENBA no Kizuna for quite some time now. And given that this song has finally been completed, I thought it’s about time I finally talk about it in more detail! In fact, I have just published a new post over on Patreon, in which I delve really deep into how the song came to be, what the process of working on it was like and, of course, you can even listen to the full 4:23 minutes of it and read through the lyrics!

I also wanted to give non-patrons an idea as to what the song is like, though, so here are the first 1:40 minutes of it:

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Mar 09

Weekly Update #501: Quick Progress Update

As you can tell from the title, today, I’m just gonna type up a really quick update, since there’s a lot to do! If you’ve checked out last week’s blog post, you know that our goal for this month is to get GENBA playable from beginning to end after all! And tomorrow evening, I’d really like to send another zip package over to Natsu, so that she can code the next couple of scenes!

As such, I’ve been very busy refining the script and whipping up a few more art assets that… were kind of a last minute idea.
It’s nothing too major, so they didn’t require tremendous amounts of time to take care of, but did temporarily slow my process.
I think it was really worth it, though, and makes a particular (very spoilery) scene all the more special now!

Speaking of art assets, Kaleido‘s GENBA sprite update is finally done as well! I’ve uploaded a preview to Patreon the other day and the final version will soon follow, so keep your eyes out for that! And another thing you can expect to show there up soon… is our theme song, because that one has been completed now as well!!

I will dedicate next week’s update to it and also prepare a preview for non-patrons, so please look forward to that!
The result is absolutely amazing in my ears and I really can’t wait to share it!

But until then, be sure to have a really good time and, as always, take care :3

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