Aug 26

SHINRAI 8th Anniversary Sale

Today, exactly eight whole years ago, SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released! Given the occasion, we are once again running an anniversary sale that will last for the next seven days! With the spooky season no longer that far off, this is an ideal time to grab our little Halloween-themed murder mystery and already get yourself into the right mood!

Or to enhance your experience with our second murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna, which just so happens to have released today!

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Aug 24

Weekly Update #525: Release Countdown

Good gracious Cretaceous! Only two more days and GENBA no Kizuna will finally be released! Can you believe it?? I certainly can’t!
It still feels unreal… for so long have we been working towards this goal, waiting for this day to come… literally eight whole years ever since the initial release of SHINRAI! And now, at long last, it’s right around the corner…

I sure have a lot to say about this Jurassic development journey, but I’ll save that for another time, once GENBA is actually out.
Then you can look forward to a couple post-mortem posts if that’s your jam. But for now, we’re gonna keep things short again!

I’ve taken care of quite a few things this week, such as updating the GENBA and Press Kits sections here on our website, finalizing the store pages on itch and Steam, eliminating a few more bugs and typos in the game itself, whipping together some more promo material… yet there are still some last minute preparations to take care of and since I don’t wanna stress out (too much) on release day, I’ll be getting right back to work! As for you, I hope you’re enjoying a very pleasant weekend! Until… Monday, I guess!

Take care :3

Aug 17

Weekly Update #524: (Almost) One Week Left!

Just a little over a week left now until GENBA no Kizuna will finally release! As such, we’re really busy with the final release prep, so I wanna get right back to work. Which is why, for today’s blog post, I figured I’d simply leave you with a list of links to past blog posts in which I’ve delved a bit deeper into specific topics that might be of interest regarding our new VN!

For starters, you should definitely check out last week’s blog post if you haven’t yet! In it, I’ve addressed various topics such as the content and length of GENBA or its price point and that of its soundtrack. And if you’d like to know more about how we determined those prices, you can read about all the thoughts and considerations going into the matter right here.

If you’re curious to learn more about the game itself, though, and what to expect from it, I’d suggest checking out these two posts:

The Differences Between SHINRAI & GENBA no Kizuna
Which Order (Should They Be Played In)…?

Of course, there is also the GBA-style instruction booklet you can download to properly prepare yourself for the upcoming investigation with a closer look at all the gameplay mechanics and even some potentially useful tips!

Finally, we’ve just published the Steam store page for the soundtrack as well, which you can check out here!
The itch page for it will be published on the day of the release: August 26!

That about sums up the most important stuff. Next week, I’ll hopefully have a bit more time to type, but for now, it’s back to work!
As for you, please enjoy a chill remainder of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3

Aug 10

Weekly Update #523: The Final Stretch

In case you haven’t seen it yet, GENBA no Kizuna finally has a release date: August 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM PST!
You can find the official release announcement here! And as was mentioned in it, today, we’ll be talking a bit more about the release and what’s still left on our to-do list for the next two weeks. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

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Aug 09

GENBA no Kizuna Release Date

That’s right! We’ve gotten the green light from Valve and can finally make it official: GENBA no Kizuna will, at long last, be released on PC through both Steam and on August 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM PST! In other words, just about two more weeks to go!

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Aug 03

Weekly Update #522: Steam Release Prep & Instruction Booklet

Another very busy week has passed, during which lots of progress was made! Natsu has set up the build and achievements for GENBA no Kizuna on Steamworks, meaning that at least she and I can actually download and play it through the platform now!

Sadly, there are still a few more things to take care of before we can make it available publically, though. The biggest remaining hurdle will essentially be verification through Valve. They need to review the build and everything, which can take a few days.
Here’s hoping they’ll approve everything without the need for us to make any major adjustments or anything of the sort.
Because once Valve has given us their OK… we’re essentially ready for release!

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Jul 27

Weekly Update #521: More Polish

Today, let’s take a little peek into the past, shortly before the release of our first visual novel SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair.
Because what I typed up for our weekly blog post on July 24, 2016, can essentially be copy-pasted to sum up our current status:

We’re still very busy getting SHINRAI ready for release. There’s still a lot of tiny little things that need to be done here and there, unfortunately. I’m currently making a list of those, which not only includes feedback and mistakes discovered by our beta-testers, but also a few things I’ve noticed myself over the last few days, which definitely need to be fixed.

It’s little things like these that drag out the release a bit more. It sucks, but I really want to make sure that everything is in order.
I guess you could argue that there’s always the possibility to patch things later, but I’m honestly not a big fan of that kinda mindset.
I’d rather have everything working properly from the get-go and avoid the need for patches altogether.

But yeah, because of that, I’ve been going through the game one more time myself. I’ll be handing the list over to Natsu tomorrow, so that she can fix those things, but once that’s done, I think we’re really good to go.

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Jul 20

Weekly Update #520: Bug Fixes

Over the course of this past week, more feedback has come in from our GENBA no Kizuna beta-testers. And unfortunately, they’ve encountered a few more bugs… including one that would actually prevent you from completing the game, ahahah… “orz

Thankfully, that one was actually quick and easy to fix, so it no longer poses a problem! That said, while none of the other issues are as severe, there’s still some more stuff that definitely needs to be fixed or adjusted in order to provide players with a polished experience. So that’s what we’re currently focusing on!

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Jul 13

Weekly Update #519: First Beta-Feedback

So, by now, we’ve heard back from the first couple of beta-testers who’ve managed to play through the entirety of GENBA no Kizuna.
I don’t want to get into their impressions of the story, characters, mystery or really the game overall just yet. I’ll save that for once we’ve heard back from everyone. What I am going to say, however, is that we’ve received a lot of very helpful feedback already!

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Jul 06

Weekly Update #518: Steam Achievements

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, the beta-test phase for GENBA no Kizuna is now officially underway! The beta build is in the hands of our testers and although no one has completed their run yet, I did already receive some very helpful feedback reports!

Now, while we continue to wait until we’ve fully heard back from everyone, I’ve decided to tackle two major things this past week:
the remaining three bonus scenes as well as the Steam achievements.

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