Oct 19

Weekly Update #533: GENBA Postmortem – Part II

Last week, I started talking about the various reasons behind GENBA no Kizuna‘s long development process. Today, we’re continuing from where we left off, so if you haven’t read the previous blog post, it’s recommended to do that first!

But with that warning out of the way, let’s jump straight into the next major reason!

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Oct 12

Weekly Update #532: GENBA Postmortem – Part I

In the last few blog posts, I talked about the conception of GENBA no Kizuna and how it evolved over the course of its development.
Today, I’d like to start getting into the development process itself, the challenges we faced and the lessons we’ve learned.
And I thought I’d begin by answering a question we’ve been getting a lot over the last few years: why did it take so long?

Development on SHINRAI started in September of 2013 and the final product was released on August 26, 2016.
In other words, it took us almost exactly three years. GENBA on the other hand was only released on August 26 of this year…
so a whole eight years after SHINRAI! How in Pangaea did that happen!?

And it becomes seemingly even more unfathomable when you consider that on August 26, 2021, we released the full first chapter of GENBA for beta-testing! Meaning that it took us “only” three years to complete chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the bonus content.
Which isn’t actually that bad. In fact, it seems pretty swift given that GENBA is twice as big as SHINRAI!

Essentially, we finished almost two SHINRAIs in the last three years. So I guess the bigger question here isn’t why GENBA as a whole took eight years, but rather: why did its first chapter take 5 to complete!?

Well, there is a number of reasons for that, so let’s go over them one by one, shall we?

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Oct 05

Weekly Update #531: Plans For October

At last, Spooky Month is upon us, so I hope that you’ve had a very ghastly start into it and that many horrors (of the fun kind, of course) are lying ahead of you! Personally, I’d really like to spend an October dedicated to playing scary games and watching creepy movies again, as I haven’t really been able to do so for the past few years. However, despite GENBA no Kizuna finally being out, it doesn’t look like this year will be any less busy than the previous ones, so… welp!

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Sep 28

Weekly Update #530: The Evolution Of GENBA – Part II

Today, we’re continuing from where we left off in last week’s blog post, so if you haven’t checked that one out yet, I’d highly recommend reading it first! I primarily covered how the core case idea for GENBA no Kizuna evolved over time and how that also led to the creation of our little circle of suspects: Raptor Pack Productions. And they’re what I’d like to delve a bit further into now!

If you’re worried about spoilers for the final game, don’t be. That said, it’d probably still make more sense to only continue reading if you’ve actually played through it. But with that little warning out of the way, let’s get right to our raptorian rascals!

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Sep 26

Patch: Auto Mode Added & Various Typos Fixed

GENBA no Kizuna has been out for exactly a month now, so by now, a good number of people have already delved into our Mesozoic murder mystery and solved it. Some of you have even gone a step further and shared your feedback with us or reported the typos you’ve unfortunately stumbled across. And today, after having collected a good couple of those, and not having received any further reports in a while, we’ve decided to eliminate everything that’s been encountered thus far through a little patch!

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Sep 21

Weekly Update #529: The Evolution Of GENBA – Part I

Last week, I reminisced how GENBA no Kizuna was conceived, even sharing some notes from my very first brainstorming sessions.
Today, I’d like to continue from there and delve into GENBA‘s various iterations and how drastically some things ended up changing.

As mentioned before, when I originally came up with the idea, it was primarily out of a desire to make an investigation-heavy game.
I started off by thinking about the general setup: a rookie investigator tackling his first case while being supervised by an experienced detective. A whole team with each member specializing in a different field of crime scene investigation.

But, of course, one of the most important aspects about the whole thing was to even have a case to investigate!
And good gracious Cretaceous did that change over the course of development…

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Sep 14

Weekly Update #528: How It All Started

Today, I’d like to take a look back and talk a little about how our recently released murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna even came to be.
If you’re following my private Twitter account, you may have already seen the images I’m about to show in this post, but I wanted to share them here as well, and also elaborate a little further on GENBA‘s conception. So, without further ado, let’s get right to it!

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Sep 07

Weekly Update #527: 1st Review Milestone!

It’s only been two weeks now since the release of our new murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna and, as of a couple of days ago, we have already passed the 10 review mark on Steam, meaning that the game now not only has a rating displayed, but that its visibility should also be boosted across the platform, allowing for more people to catch wind of it!

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Aug 31

Weekly Update #526: Post Launch Fixes

GENBA no Kizuna has been out for five days now! In case you’ve missed it, you can find the release announcement post here.

We unfortunately had a rather bumpy and stressful start, with players immediately running into a very unfortunate issue: the game crashing upon clicking on “Begin” “orz And it wasn’t just a player here and there… it was all of them, including myself!

Thankfully, the issue could be fixed relatively quick and easy. It literally required just one word of code being changed. But of course, the whole thing still got me pretty panicky at first and it’s really embarrassing to have this sort of thing happen. You may wonder now how we did not catch that before and well…

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Aug 26

GENBA no Kizuna Released!

The wait is finally over! As of today, GENBA no Kizuna and its complete OST are available for PC through both itch and Steam!
We’re even running a one week launch discount, meaning you can already grab the game for 10% off!
Not only that, there’s even a soundtrack bundle for another 10% off on the whole package!

So be sure to grab it right away! And if you do, we’d also be incredibly happy if you would share your impressions and feedback with us, so that we can further improve our work with future projects. You can either message me directly at gospel@gosatsu.com or, better yet, leave us a Steam review if you get the Steam version!

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