Just a little over a week left now until GENBA no Kizuna will finally release! As such, we’re really busy with the final release prep, so I wanna get right back to work. Which is why, for today’s blog post, I figured I’d simply leave you with a list of links to past blog posts in which I’ve delved a bit deeper into specific topics that might be of interest regarding our new VN!
For starters, you should definitely check out last week’s blog post if you haven’t yet! In it, I’ve addressed various topics such as the content and length of GENBA or its price point and that of its soundtrack. And if you’d like to know more about how we determined those prices, you can read about all the thoughts and considerations going into the matter right here.
If you’re curious to learn more about the game itself, though, and what to expect from it, I’d suggest checking out these two posts:
The Differences Between SHINRAI & GENBA no Kizuna
Which Order (Should They Be Played In)…?
Of course, there is also the GBA-style instruction booklet you can download to properly prepare yourself for the upcoming investigation with a closer look at all the gameplay mechanics and even some potentially useful tips!
Finally, we’ve just published the Steam store page for the soundtrack as well, which you can check out here!
The itch page for it will be published on the day of the release: August 26!
That about sums up the most important stuff. Next week, I’ll hopefully have a bit more time to type, but for now, it’s back to work!
As for you, please enjoy a chill remainder of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3