Nov 16

Weekly Update #537: GENBA Postmortem – Part IV

You know, I really thought I had covered all the reasons behind GENBA no Kizuna‘s long development time, but as it turns out, I actually forgot about one! But that’s fine, as this reason also weaves into one of the next topics I wanted to discuss. But before we get into any of that, you might want to check out the previous three parts of this series if you haven’t already: Part I, Part II, Part III.

Ready? Then let’s go!

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Nov 09

Weekly Update #536: Quick Progress Update

Welp, this will just be a super quick post again, as today’s pretty packed and I’m therefore rather short on time.

In last week’s blog post, I talked about some recent website and Patreon updates and also provided an easy access list to all the lengthier posts I’ve typed up recently, talking in-depth about GENBA no Kizuna‘s conception, evolution and development. I’m not gonna link all that stuff here again, but if any of it sounds interesting to you and you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to do so!
At the very least, that’ll sure give you something to read, haha.

Anyway, next week, we’ll continue with the final topics I want to discuss regarding the release of GENBA. And once those are taken care of, we can finally talk more about our next project! By then, I’ll hopefully also have made some neat progress on it I can share with you. As of right now, I still don’t wanna get into it, but rest assured, I’m hard at work to get as much done before the end of the years as possible! Right now, another base sprite is in the works and, after doing a bunch of research, I’m feeling ready to delve back into script writing.

That’s all I can share with you at the moment, though. So please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3

Nov 04

Dinovember Sale

Since GENBA no Kizuna didn’t fit the criteria to be included in Steam‘s most recent Scream Fest, we’ve decided to simply run a week-long custom sale for it! Originally, I was considering to have the sale up running during the Scream Fest, but ultimately decided to postpone it by a week, as Dinovember simply seemed like a much more fitting occasion than Halloween!

So, if you’re in the mood for solving a prehistorically themed murder case, you can now grab our latest visual novel, along with its complete original soundtrack, for a neat 10% off each! And you can even save another 9% by getting the bundle!

The sale will end on November 11, 09:00 AM PST and, of course, we’re offering the exact same deals over on itch!

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Nov 02

Weekly Update #535: Site & Patreon Updates

Today, we’re just gonna have a shorter general update, but if you’d like more to read, you could always check out my series of lengthy GENBA no Kizuna postmortem posts, if you haven’t already! In them, I delve into the conception and evolution of our newly released project, as well as the reasons behind its unexpectedly long development time. I’m just gonna list them here for easy access:

With that out of the way, though: what’s new?

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Oct 28

Steam Scream Fest 3D

Steam‘s Scream Fest goes into its third round this year and SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair is once again featured in it for a whopping 50% off! The event ends on November 4, so be sure to grab it (as well as its complete OST) before that, either for yourself if you haven’t checked it out yet, or maybe even as a gift for someone you’d like to have a chilling time solving our lil’ murder mystery!

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Oct 26

Weekly Update #534: GENBA Postmortem – Part III

In the previous two postmortem posts, I’ve already discussed a number of reasons as to why the development of GENBA no Kizuna has taken so unexpectedly long. The biggest one behind it, however, I have yet to discuss. That’s what today’s blog post will be about, so it’s recommended that you check out Part I and Part II first, if you haven’t already!

Now, this reason can be summed up in a single, very simple word, but there are multiple aspects to it, which I want to delve a bit deeper into, so… here we go!

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Oct 19

Weekly Update #533: GENBA Postmortem – Part II

Last week, I started talking about the various reasons behind GENBA no Kizuna‘s long development process. Today, we’re continuing from where we left off, so if you haven’t read the previous blog post, it’s recommended to do that first!

But with that warning out of the way, let’s jump straight into the next major reason!

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Oct 12

Weekly Update #532: GENBA Postmortem – Part I

In the last few blog posts, I talked about the conception of GENBA no Kizuna and how it evolved over the course of its development.
Today, I’d like to start getting into the development process itself, the challenges we faced and the lessons we’ve learned.
And I thought I’d begin by answering a question we’ve been getting a lot over the last few years: why did it take so long?

Development on SHINRAI started in September of 2013 and the final product was released on August 26, 2016.
In other words, it took us almost exactly three years. GENBA on the other hand was only released on August 26 of this year…
so a whole eight years after SHINRAI! How in Pangaea did that happen!?

And it becomes seemingly even more unfathomable when you consider that on August 26, 2021, we released the full first chapter of GENBA for beta-testing! Meaning that it took us “only” three years to complete chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and all the bonus content.
Which isn’t actually that bad. In fact, it seems pretty swift given that GENBA is twice as big as SHINRAI!

Essentially, we finished almost two SHINRAIs in the last three years. So I guess the bigger question here isn’t why GENBA as a whole took eight years, but rather: why did its first chapter take 5 to complete!?

Well, there is a number of reasons for that, so let’s go over them one by one, shall we?

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Oct 05

Weekly Update #531: Plans For October

At last, Spooky Month is upon us, so I hope that you’ve had a very ghastly start into it and that many horrors (of the fun kind, of course) are lying ahead of you! Personally, I’d really like to spend an October dedicated to playing scary games and watching creepy movies again, as I haven’t really been able to do so for the past few years. However, despite GENBA no Kizuna finally being out, it doesn’t look like this year will be any less busy than the previous ones, so… welp!

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Sep 28

Weekly Update #530: The Evolution Of GENBA – Part II

Today, we’re continuing from where we left off in last week’s blog post, so if you haven’t checked that one out yet, I’d highly recommend reading it first! I primarily covered how the core case idea for GENBA no Kizuna evolved over time and how that also led to the creation of our little circle of suspects: Raptor Pack Productions. And they’re what I’d like to delve a bit further into now!

If you’re worried about spoilers for the final game, don’t be. That said, it’d probably still make more sense to only continue reading if you’ve actually played through it. But with that little warning out of the way, let’s get right to our raptorian rascals!

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