Once again, my main focus has been on the writing this week and it’s been quite a rollercoaster of satisfying successes and frustrating roadblocks. Writing a visual novel sure isn’t easy, even if you’ve done it once before! So, today, I’d finally like to talk a little more about the challenges of writing one.
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Feb 20
Weekly Update #340: More Writing Progress!
Well, originally, I wanted to talk a bit about my writing process, buuut… since I made so much writing progress today, I’m left with not enough time to delve into such a lengthy topic, so I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone that for a bit! Although I guess it’s a good excuse, yes? Today was …
Feb 13
Weekly Update #339: Writing Progress
So, this second week of February was mostly dedicated to script work. I started out by working on Keiichi‘s investigation route and made quite a bit of progress on it. I did, however, run into some parts that gave me difficulties, mostly in regards to flow and tone. I know exactly what I want to …
Feb 06
Weekly Update #338: Asset Progress
With the start of February, I decided to finally tackle the second chapter of GENBA no Kizuna and make as much progress on it as I possibly can throughout the month. And so far, things have gone rather smoothly and I’ve actually had a very productive week! First off, I took care of some essential …
Jan 30
Weekly Update #337: Plans For February
So, before we get into today’s main topic, let’s start off with a quick progress update! As you can see above, I’ve worked on sprites a bit more and have finished a new variation for Shiku. With this, all her sprites for chapter one have been drawn now! I also continued working on the sprites …
Jan 23
Weekly Update #336: Quick Progress Update
As the title already gives away, today, we’re just going to have a very quick update. If you’d like to read a bit more about what’s currently going on, however, you can always check out last week’s blog post detailing how we plan to tackle 2021. Now, with that said, what’s new? At the moment, …
Jan 16
Weekly Update #335: Plans For 2021
In last week’s blog post, I focused on our plans for the first month of 2021. Today, I’d finally like to take a look at the year in general. During the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how exactly to tackle the new year, what goals to set for myself and …
Jan 09
Weekly Update #334: Plans For January
Since we’re already one week into the new year, today, I’d like to focus solely on my plans for the rest of this first month, before I’ll get into how exactly we’re planning to tackle 2021 in general in next week’s blog post. During this first week, I’ve been working on a number of different …
Jan 02
Weekly Update #333: Happy New Year!
A new year is upon us and I’m planning to make it a really productive one! Which is why today’s blog post is going to fall on the short side again, as I’ve ended up working on a new CG for GENBA no Kizuna for most of the day, leaving me with not much time …
Dec 26
Weekly Update #332: 2020 Retrospect
With the year slowly coming to a close, today, I’d like to take the time to look back on it, on what we originally set out to do, how things actually unfolded and what we have ultimately accomplished. 2020 was a ride full of unexpected surprises. From a global pandemic to many personal difficulties and …