

Sep 19

Weekly Update #318: GENBA Writing Progress & SHINRAI Timeline

This past week, I’ve been mainly focusing on the writing for scene 11, the first real investigation segment in GENBA no Kizuna.
Here Keiichi examines Ryuunosuke‘s room alongside Amber, in search of the little grump’s medication. Players will also be able to learn more about Ryuunosuke and his grandfather and uncover the first real clues towards solving the mystery death at the Kaseki residence. It still needs some work, but down below, you can find a preview of the intro scene for the investigation:

(I didn’t bother to translate the coding instructions this time, so they’re all in German, sorry!)

I’ll post the entire script for scene 11 on Patreon, hopefully towards the end of the month, along with the other remaining scenes for the first chapter. But for now, I wanted to provide at least a little preview of the work I’ve been doing. As you might be able to tell, I had a lot of fun with it, especially in regards to writing Amber‘s lines, haha.

Now, in other news, we’ve added a new section to the website, containing an official timeline for the events of SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair. This was originally something I did for myself to keep track of all the individual events and the passage of time, while writing the story. After the recent anniversary update, however, I’ve decided to update it and thought I might as well share it for those of you who are interested in this sort of thing.

This timeline lists every event that was mentioned in the game, which had some sort of time indicator attached to it, from when Momoko started to work on Hiro‘s Halloween costume to when exactly the extra diary entries were written. There is also some extra info in there, which was never explicitly mentioned in the game itself.

I’ll update this in the future and add the GENBA and WWH timelines as well. Once those games have finally been released that is…

(I’d also like to mention here that a very diligent individual compiled a timeline on TV Tropes. I’m impressed by how they managed to even pinpoint some of the exact dates, just by playing the game. I feel very humbled and grateful for the dedication and effort. It’s honestly one of the coolest things I’ve stumbled across in regards to our little VN.)

Anyway, that about wraps it up for today, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3