

Dec 08

Weekly Update #225: Quick Progress Update

And we’re already a week into December! Once again, time flies by pretty fast, even though there is still so much to do!

Over the course of this past week, I worked some more on the second part of our extended GENBA no Kizuna demo, and can finally say that asset- and script-wise everything’s ready for it now, meaning that Natsu only needs to code everything. Once that is done and it’s been tested by us, it will then go up on Patreon.

The second part will add another ~5000 words of script to the game. It will contain the actual corpse discovery and some more interaction with Shinketsu and Rei, some of which will be optional. Overall, it’s going to be a bit more serious in tone compared to the previous part, since we’re now really getting into the case.

So yeah, that only leaves the third and final part of the demo, which will also be the longest. As mentioned in last week’s blog post, when I talked about our plans for this month, I’m going to focus on the script first. It’s already written, but still in need of some fix-ups.

In other news, I’ve also started working on this year’s Christmas illustration and patrons can now get a first WIP-look at it right here.

But I guess that’s already it in regards to progress updates. A rather short update this time, but as I also said last week, this is going to be a busy month, so I will have a little less time for VN development than usual. Nevertheless, I hope to have some bigger news next Saturday! So until then, please take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend! :3