Tag Archive: SHINRAI

Dec 09

Weekly Update #488: Main Script Done, Final BGM Sample, Commissions & Fanart

Alrighty, today, I’ve got a lot to share with you guys, so let’s jump straight into the exciting news! A couple of days ago, I wrote the final line of script before the start of the credits roll for GENBA no Kizuna! And not only that, today, I also essentially finished the secret bonus scene …

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Dec 02

Weekly Update #487: Writing Progress

Last week, I talked a bit about the final “social phase” of GENBA no Kizuna, how it’s structured and how the whole “bonding with your teammates” aspect of the game works, so if you want to know more about that, be sure to check out our previous blog post! Naturally, I have continued working on …

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Oct 28

Weekly Update #482: Release Plan Changes

With the Steam Scream Fest currently in full swing, and our Halloween-themed murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair on sale, I thought it’s a good opportunity to make another little news post over on the Steam store page to provide an update on our next project GENBA no Kizuna, particularly regarding our release plans …

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Oct 26

Steam Scream Fest – The Revenge

Last year, we sadly weren’t part of Steam‘s official Halloween event and therefore had to run our own little custom sale. This time, however, they have accepted us and so our murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair is part of their second Scream Fest! As you can see above, the event will last until …

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Oct 21

Weekly Update #481: More CG Progress

Halloween is creeping closer, which means that some spooky sales are slowly starting to pop up here and there, including on the PSN Store and the Nintendo eShop! If you’re looking for something to play that’ll send chills down your spine, now’s a great chance to grab the PlayStation 4/5 and Switch versions of our …

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Oct 14

Weekly Update #480: Fuwanovel Interview & CG Progress

If you’re following us on Twitter or have joined our Discord, you may have already seen it, but a couple of days ago, the guys at Fuwanovel not only published their review of SHINRAI, but also an interview they conducted with me about it! This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to give …

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Sep 30

Weekly Update #478: Endings & Kamens

Well, at least script-wise, I have reached the branching point where we split off into different outcomes, so yeah… I can officially state now that I’m currently working on the endings for GENBA no Kizuna! Particularly the true culprit ending at the moment, as I want to get that out of the way first before …

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Sep 23

Weekly Update #477: Writing Progress

As the title reveals, this past week was all about writing and I sure made quite a lot of progress! Honestly feeling really exhausted now, not just from today’s sessions, but kinda from writing in general. I think it’s about time for me to work on some art assets again for a change, but not …

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Aug 26

Weekly Update #473: SHINRAI 7th Anniversary

So, today, it’s been officially seven whole years since our murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released. Which means that it’s been ten years since we started turning a story into a visual novel, that I have written twelve years ago! I could start ranting again about the quick, unrelenting passage of …

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Aug 07

Steam Visual Novel Fest

For this past year, Steam has been holding a number of fests to celebrate specific types and genres of games and, this August, they’re putting the spotlight on our personal favorite medium of interactive storytelling: visual novels! As such, our Halloween-themed murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair is taking part in the event and …

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