Monthly Archive: July 2024

Jul 27

Weekly Update #521: More Polish

Today, let’s take a little peek into the past, shortly before the release of our first visual novel SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair. Because what I typed up for our weekly blog post on July 24, 2016, can essentially be copy-pasted to sum up our current status: “We’re still very busy getting SHINRAI ready for …

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Jul 20

Weekly Update #520: Bug Fixes

Over the course of this past week, more feedback has come in from our GENBA no Kizuna beta-testers. And unfortunately, they’ve encountered a few more bugs… including one that would actually prevent you from completing the game, ahahah… “orz Thankfully, that one was actually quick and easy to fix, so it no longer poses a …

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Jul 13

Weekly Update #519: First Beta-Feedback

So, by now, we’ve heard back from the first couple of beta-testers who’ve managed to play through the entirety of GENBA no Kizuna. I don’t want to get into their impressions of the story, characters, mystery or really the game overall just yet. I’ll save that for once we’ve heard back from everyone. What I …

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Jul 06

Weekly Update #518: Steam Achievements

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, the beta-test phase for GENBA no Kizuna is now officially underway! The beta build is in the hands of our testers and although no one has completed their run yet, I did already receive some very helpful feedback reports! Now, while we continue to wait until we’ve fully …

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