

Aug 12

Weekly Update #471: Quick Progress Update

First of all, in case you haven’t seen either of them yet, we’ve made two special announcement posts this week, one for Steam‘s Visual Novel Fest and the other for the Mystery Gamedev Community, which we have created with a couple of fellow devs in order to bring creators and enjoyers of mystery games together. We’ve already welcomed over a hundred people on our dedicated Discord server, many of whom have shared their recommendations for mystery and puzzle games or their own works and experiences of creating them. So if you’re looking for new mysteries to solve or help and support to create your own, be sure to pay us a visit!

For me personally, it sure has been a ton of fun so far and also very helpful and enlightening, especially in regards to some marketing-related things, which have been discussed in the developer channels!

Now, on the topic of development, let’s move on to a quick progress update for our upcoming dinosaur-themed murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna! Over the course of this past week, I’ve mostly refined the script for the end of our “penultimate chapter” and am currently in the process of compiling the zip packages necessary for Natsu to code the final investigation routes. As part of that, I had to take care of one of my (not) favorite tasks again: recording and editing sound effects! I always leave this asset category for last.
Not because it’s a huge amount of work, but because I really can’t stand it, haha…

Anyway, the sound effects are finally taken care of and so all I need to do now is to look over everything one last time to ensure that nothing’s missing, before I then finally send those zip packages over to Natsu!

There isn’t too much else to report at the moment, but I’ll have more to say again during the latter half of August.
At least of right now, we’re on track to make the entire fourth chapter playable by the end of it!

With that said, it’s time for me to get back to work, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3