

Apr 01

Weekly Update #451: Plans For April

A new month has begun and so it’s time to think about what we would like to accomplish by the end of it!

Naturally, our primary focus will remain on GENBA no Kizuna‘s penultimate chapter and finishing it as soon as we can. And given that two thirds of it are more or less done now, it’d sure be nice to wrap up the final third within the next four weeks, too! At least to such a degree that I won’t have to worry about the script anymore. The script’s been the most difficult part recently and what’s given me the biggest headaches, so I want to at least be fully done with that, so that, by the time May comes around, all I will have left to worry about in terms of writing is the final chapter.

There are some pretty big assets left that will be required for the final stretch of chapter four, namely three backgrounds and one CG, which will definitely take some time to get done (these will be the last backgrounds, however, as chapter five will not feature any new ones, only day time variations of previous BGs). As such, it’s not gonna be easy to get all of it done within just a month, but I will certainly try my hardest to get as close to it as I can!

Now, if you’re a patron, you can learn a little more about the current state of things in this newly published post available to all tiers!
I’ve decided to give a more personal and in-depth idea of our progress there.

Other than that, there isn’t really much else I can say at the moment, so I think I’m gonna get back to work now. Well, after sharing some more art with you again, because the absolutely amazing Jun has now also drawn Terano in her super adorable style, meaning that the whole Raptor Pack Productions team is now fully assembled!

As always, I’ve added the image to our gallery where you can also find Amber, Shiku and Ryuunosuke.

Jun is currently still open for commissions (probably not much longer, though!), in case you’d also like to have some cute icons!
But even if not, I highly urge you to take a look at her stuff, particularly her visual novel project Neko no Sentouki which I’ve talked a little about before. It’s a really fun one I’m definitely keeping an eye on myself! Seriously, Jun‘s doing some amazing and passionate work, so be sure to check it out and maybe even give her a follow!

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3