Last week, I started talking about the various reasons behind GENBA no Kizuna‘s long development process. Today, we’re continuing from where we left off, so if you haven’t read the previous blog post, it’s recommended to do that first! But with that warning out of the way, let’s jump straight into the next major reason!
Tag Archive: SHINRAI
Oct 12
Weekly Update #532: GENBA Postmortem – Part I
In the last few blog posts, I talked about the conception of GENBA no Kizuna and how it evolved over the course of its development. Today, I’d like to start getting into the development process itself, the challenges we faced and the lessons we’ve learned. And I thought I’d begin by answering a question we’ve …
Sep 28
Weekly Update #530: The Evolution Of GENBA – Part II
Today, we’re continuing from where we left off in last week’s blog post, so if you haven’t checked that one out yet, I’d highly recommend reading it first! I primarily covered how the core case idea for GENBA no Kizuna evolved over time and how that also led to the creation of our little circle …
Sep 21
Weekly Update #529: The Evolution Of GENBA – Part I
Last week, I reminisced how GENBA no Kizuna was conceived, even sharing some notes from my very first brainstorming sessions. Today, I’d like to continue from there and delve into GENBA‘s various iterations and how drastically some things ended up changing. As mentioned before, when I originally came up with the idea, it was primarily …
Sep 14
Weekly Update #528: How It All Started
Today, I’d like to take a look back and talk a little about how our recently released murder mystery GENBA no Kizuna even came to be. If you’re following my private Twitter account, you may have already seen the images I’m about to show in this post, but I wanted to share them here as …
Aug 26
SHINRAI 8th Anniversary Sale
Today, exactly eight whole years ago, SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released! Given the occasion, we are once again running an anniversary sale that will last for the next seven days! With the spooky season no longer that far off, this is an ideal time to grab our little Halloween-themed murder mystery and …
Aug 10
Weekly Update #523: The Final Stretch
In case you haven’t seen it yet, GENBA no Kizuna finally has a release date: August 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM PST! You can find the official release announcement here! And as was mentioned in it, today, we’ll be talking a bit more about the release and what’s still left on our to-do list for …
Aug 03
Weekly Update #522: Steam Release Prep & Instruction Booklet
Another very busy week has passed, during which lots of progress was made! Natsu has set up the build and achievements for GENBA no Kizuna on Steamworks, meaning that at least she and I can actually download and play it through the platform now! Sadly, there are still a few more things to take care …
Jul 27
Weekly Update #521: More Polish
Today, let’s take a little peek into the past, shortly before the release of our first visual novel SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair. Because what I typed up for our weekly blog post on July 24, 2016, can essentially be copy-pasted to sum up our current status: “We’re still very busy getting SHINRAI ready for …
Jul 20
Weekly Update #520: Bug Fixes
Over the course of this past week, more feedback has come in from our GENBA no Kizuna beta-testers. And unfortunately, they’ve encountered a few more bugs… including one that would actually prevent you from completing the game, ahahah… “orz Thankfully, that one was actually quick and easy to fix, so it no longer poses a …