Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the first weekly update of an entire new decade! As you can tell by the title, this blog post will give you a little overview of our goals for 2020. Before we get to those, however, here’s a little reminder that we have also published a rather lengthy …
Tag Archive: Monthly Art
Dec 24
Merry Christmas!
Oh my, just like Rei last year, Amber doesn’t seem all too happy to be wearing this kind of outfit and usually, she wouldn’t. However, if a certain someone asks her to, she (luckily) can’t bring herself to say “no”. Our little raptor Kira also doesn’t seem too sure what to think of this, but …
Dec 21
Weekly Update #279: Christmas Preparations Part III
Alright, let’s start off with a little sale reminder! Right now, SHINRAI is 50% off, so if you haven’t played it yet or you know someone who would enjoy it as a Christmas gift, you can find all the details regarding the sale right here. Now, with that out of the way, let’s get into …
Dec 14
Weekly Update #278: Christmas Preparations Part II
Less than two weeks now until Christmas Eve! There are still things that need to be taken care of before we get there, but most of the important stuff is out of the way now, at least. Just earlier today, I finally posted a full preview of this year’s Christmas artwork over on Patreon. Natsu …
Dec 07
Weekly Update #277: Christmas Preparations
Okay, so I kinda lost track of time a little and therefore really don’t have much time to write a blog post this week, meaning that I will have to keep this very short and basic, so sorry about that! Then again, it’s not like there is awfully much to report, anyway. Which doesn’t mean …
Oct 31
Happy Halloween!
It’s the spookiest day of the year again and this time, as voted by our patrons, our grumpy little Raiko has dressed up as Heather Mason, the protagonist of Silent Hill 3! And of course, she is accompanied by none other than Pyramid Bat, wielding the Great Knife!
Oct 05
Weekly Update #268: Ryuunosuke’s Study
Life still keeps me pretty busy at the moment, so I haven’t been able to accomplish as much as I would have liked to this week… Nevertheless, I have started working on the next BG for GENBA no Kizuna, depicting Ryuunosuke Hazama‘s private dino chamber! Last week, I already talked about how strongly the writing …
Sep 14
Weekly Update #265: GENBA Feedback So Far
Today will be a really short posting, because there sadly isn’t much to report on. As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I was off to Italy from Monday to Thursday and there were (and still are) quite a bunch of things to take care of now that I’m back home. As a result, I …
Aug 26
SHINRAI Anniversary & GENBA Extended Demo Release
August 26 marks the day on which our first visual novel project, the murder mystery SHINRAI -Broken Beyond Despair, was released. Three years have passed ever since and back then, I was convinced that we would have already released our next project by now. Unfortunately, we’re still quite a ways away from that. GENBA no …
Aug 17
Weekly Update #261: Extended Demo Release Preparations – Part II
Alright, just a really short update today, as I sadly don’t have much time on my hands (there isn’t much to report, anyway). As the title already suggests, we are continuing with the preparations for SHINRAI‘s anniversary and the release of the extended GENBA no Kizuna demo on the 26th! Less than ten days to …