With the Steam Scream Fest currently in full swing, and our Halloween-themed murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair on sale, I thought it’s a good opportunity to make another little news post over on the Steam store page to provide an update on our next project GENBA no Kizuna, particularly regarding our release plans …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Oct 21
Weekly Update #481: More CG Progress
Halloween is creeping closer, which means that some spooky sales are slowly starting to pop up here and there, including on the PSN Store and the Nintendo eShop! If you’re looking for something to play that’ll send chills down your spine, now’s a great chance to grab the PlayStation 4/5 and Switch versions of our …
Oct 14
Weekly Update #480: Fuwanovel Interview & CG Progress
If you’re following us on Twitter or have joined our Discord, you may have already seen it, but a couple of days ago, the guys at Fuwanovel not only published their review of SHINRAI, but also an interview they conducted with me about it! This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to give …
Oct 07
Weekly Update #479: Soundtrack Completed
That’s right! The soundtrack for GENBA no Kizuna is fully done now! It will feature a total of 29 dinotastic tracks composed by our grand maestro Solo Acapello (30 if you count the chapter intro jingle which will naturally be included in the OST release as well):
Sep 30
Weekly Update #478: Endings & Kamens
Well, at least script-wise, I have reached the branching point where we split off into different outcomes, so yeah… I can officially state now that I’m currently working on the endings for GENBA no Kizuna! Particularly the true culprit ending at the moment, as I want to get that out of the way first before …
Sep 23
Weekly Update #477: Writing Progress
As the title reveals, this past week was all about writing and I sure made quite a lot of progress! Honestly feeling really exhausted now, not just from today’s sessions, but kinda from writing in general. I think it’s about time for me to work on some art assets again for a change, but not …
Sep 16
Weekly Update #476: Quick Progress Update
Very busy day today, with more stuff still left to do, which means that we unfortunately have to keep things on the short side again. So let’s jump right into our progress for this past week! Natsu has caught up with coding everything I’ve sent her so far. At least for the moment, because I’ll …
Sep 09
Weekly Update #475: More Writing & Coding Progress
While Natsu has been diligently coding more of the remaining investigation routes, not only wrapping one up over this past week, but also getting closer to being done with another, I’ve continued dedicating myself to the script for the final chapter, slowly working torwards the pivotal part of the final discussion: the selection of the …
Sep 02
Weekly Update #474: Plans For September
A new month has begun, so let’s talk about our plans for it, shall we!? If you’ve seen last week’s blog post, you already know that work on GENBA no Kizuna‘s final chapter has officially begun, so naturally, that’s what we’re gonna focus on throughout September! Well, I will at least. Natsu is currently still …
Aug 26
Weekly Update #473: SHINRAI 7th Anniversary
So, today, it’s been officially seven whole years since our murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released. Which means that it’s been ten years since we started turning a story into a visual novel, that I have written twelve years ago! I could start ranting again about the quick, unrelenting passage of …