If you’ve read last week’s blog post, you know that I’m currently working on the next background artwork for GENBA no Kizuna, which depicts Ryuunosuke‘s room. I continued working on it over the last few days and just posted another WIP-preview on Patreon!
Slowly but surely, the room is taking shape, with more detail being added. I’ve also had some ideas for the investigation comments and what kinds of things you will be able to find and examine. Even though I sometimes add things just for fun, I want the majority of the examinable objects to tell players a little about the character occupying the room. And I think I’ve found some interesting and fun ways to do that. So yeah, very soon, I’ll finally be able to tackle the remaining writing objectives for this investigation scene!
I would have liked to already get around to that, but at the moment, everything is still progressing rather slowly. As mentioned during the last couple of weeks, life is pretty busy right now. A certain, rather big event is coming up for me in just a few more days and there are still many things to prepare and take care of in that regard. Maybe I’ll finally shed some light on it in next week’s blog post, haha.
In any case, I’m still more or less on track with my goals for this month, so I hope that I can finish everything during the second half of October. Halloween is drawing near after all! And speaking of which, I have also started working on this month’s artwork. I guess patrons will be able to catch an early glimpse at it soon!
Actually, I’d like to get back to work on it right away, so… since there isn’t really anything else to report for this week, I think I’m gonna do just that and wrap today’s post up already!
As always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! :3