Although I still haven’t fully recovered yet, this past week certainly was a lot more productive again than the previous one!
As you might remember, last week, I talked about picking a new resolution for our next visual novel project SHINRAI Saku – Blooming Beyond Despair and we’ve now settled on dimensions of 1920×1080, so quite a bit larger than GENBA no Kizuna‘s 1280×720!
Based on these new dimensions, I’ve already started working on some assets, including the character introduction cards.
You may have already seen me post a little preview on social media, but of course, I wanna share it here as well, so…
There you go! I’ll save Raiko‘s proper public sprite reveal for a little later, when we officially begin introducing the cast, so that’s why you’re only seeing a silhouette here for now! And yes, I didn’t go too wild on the intro card design and simply opted to slightly adjust the one we used for GENBA, as I’m still quite fond of it!
Anyway, aside from a few more cards for other characters, I’ve also started work on the base sprite for yet another new addition to our SHINRAI cast (although at least her name has been dropped before in BBD) and some more script progress has been made as well!
I’ll have more to share on all that very soon, but for now, I gotta get back to work, so… as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3