

Aug 09

GENBA no Kizuna Release Date

That’s right! We’ve gotten the green light from Valve and can finally make it official: GENBA no Kizuna will, at long last, be released on PC through both Steam and itch.io on August 26, 2024, at 10:00 AM PST! In other words, just about two more weeks to go!

We will talk in more detail about the release itself and what’s left on our to-do list in tomorrow’s blog post. After getting the verification mail from Valve, I just couldn’t contain my rexcitement any longer and wanted to throw the date out there already!

(You have no idea how long I’ve been itching to use that Jurassic Park meme, haha…)

GENBA‘s complete soundtrack will also be released on the same day. I’m literally in the process of setting up the store pages for it.
You’ll get more info on that tomorrow as well!

In the meantime, be sure to check out the store pages linked below to learn more about the game and add it to your wishlists!
You can also check out the GBA-style instruction booklet if you want to prepare yourself by studying the gameplay mechanics or reading some useful tips!

Now then, have a beautiful day and, until tomorrow, take care :3

Store Pages: