

Nov 17

Weekly Update #222: 1st Part Of Extended Demo Almost Done!

Last week, I talked about the progress of our extended GENBA no Kizuna demo, showing off some of the finally finished sprites for Shinketsu and Rei. Today, I’m happy to announce that the early release of its first part for patrons is just around the corner!

So what exactly will this release include, you might wonder… Well!

There are three new scenes following the content of our current demo release. They focus on the layout of the Kaseki Residence, Shinketsu‘s and Rei‘s introductions, and last but not least… the victim! The actual corpse discovery will not yet be included, however. Since that part still requires a bit more work, it will most likely be released in December.

Either way, these three scenes add up to approximately 2,600 words, making them just about as long as the prologue!

According to Natsu, it should only be a matter of a few days before everything is coded. So if you’re supporting us on Patreon, keep your eyes peeled! Depending on how the testing goes and, whether or not we’ll run into any major issues, it’s quite possible we’ll release it there this coming week! Then, it’ll be your turn to try and spot any bugs if you feel up for it!

In any case, while Natsu is working on the code, I’ve continued to fix up the next scene as well as prepare the assets for the ones following it. If you’re a patron, you can already get an early look at Ryuunosuke‘s sprite over here! I’ve also uploaded Shinketsu’s sprite sheet, which is available to non-patrons, too!

The extended demo will most likely be released in three parts for patrons. The second one should hopefully be ready soon, but the final one, focusing on the introduction of the suspects, might take some more time until completion. There are still a lot of assets missing, especially in the sprite department. I’ll continue to work as hard as I can to finish as many as I can during the rest of the year, but I guess it’s very well possible that even patrons will have to wait until next year, before they can get a look at everything.

Welp, not much I can do except to keep working hard, so that’s what I’m gonna do! Before I come to a close and get back to work, however, please let me once again remind you that Kuna, creator of Pitch Black Serenade, a romance/mystery visual novel, is currently open for game asset commissions! You can check out her commission page here! It’s very well worth a look!

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! :3