Monthly Archive: August 2018

Aug 26

SHINRAI Anniversary 2018

Today, exactly two years ago, we finally released our first visual novel project SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair after a 3-year-long development journey. It’s difficult to imagine that it’s already been that long and, at this point, I begin to wonder if I will ever truly get used to the fact that we have actually …

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Aug 25

Weekly Update #210: GENBA Store Page

So, after last week’s slightly longer blog post about How To Plan A Crime (as a writer for a fictional work, of course!), I guess that today’s blog post is going to be a bit more on the shorter side and just a quick overview of what’s currently going on!

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Aug 20

Anniversary Sale 2018

On this day, two years ago, we officially released our first murder mystery visual novel! And in celebration of its anniversary, we have decided to once again hold a little sale!

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Aug 18

Weekly Update #209: How To Plan A Crime

Over the course of this past week, I’ve continued working on the crime scene version of the Main Hall in GENBA no Kizuna‘s primary location: the Kaseki Residence. I’ve posted a “pre-crime” version of it some time ago, which you can check out here. That was kind of the easy part. Creating a variant of …

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Aug 11

Weekly Update #208: Birthday Preparations

So, today will be a shorter update, since I’ve been busy with a variety of things over this past week, quite a few of them actually not having much to do with VN development. I did, however, still get some work on GENBA no Kizuna done, so let’s talk about that first!

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Aug 04

Weekly Update #207: Plans For August

With August just having started, I thought that for today’s blog post, we could take a look at our major tasks and goals for the month. Before we get into those, however, I’d like to talk about our goals from here on out in general, so let’s get right into it!

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