Monthly Archive: August 2017

Aug 26

Weekly Update #158: One Year Later

And here we are, one year later. On August 26, 2016, our very first visual novel project, the murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair, was officially released on Steam and

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Aug 26

Anniversary Sale

Today, exactly one year ago, we officially released our very first visual novel project. In celebration of its 1 year anniversary, we have decided to run a little sale and give away a few copies for free!

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Aug 20

Weekly Update #157: Simultaneity & Different Perspectives

August, alongside December, is always the busiest month of the year for me. Even though this time, we (sadly) aren’t releasing a game, there’s still been quite a lot of stuff to take care of, and that won’t really change until the end of the month, either. Nevertheless, I’ve still been able to get some …

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Aug 14

Raiko’s Birthday & Blog Anniversary

As mentioned in our last Weekly Update, I wanted to type another blog post today, as it is kind of a special date for two very different reasons. One of which is revealed through the picture above: the 14th of August is actually the birthday of SHINRAI’s grumpy little protagonist, Raiko Shinpuku!

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Aug 12

Weekly Update #156: Character “Routes”

Today’s posting is going to be a little shorter. Over this past week, I did some more writing for GENBA no Kizuna, finally finishing the introduction scene for the second Investigation Phase and sending it over to Natsu, so that she could give me her impressions on it. I was able to hear her thoughts …

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Aug 05

Weekly Update #155: Attention To Detail

In last week’s blog post, I talked a little about the recent research I’ve been doing for GENBA no Kizuna and the issue of trying to find the balance between “fun” and “realism” in a game. Because often times, sticking to realism can make a game (or a story in general) boring, while straying too …

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