Tag Archive: Thank You

May 04

Weekly Update #246: New Music Track & Profile Pics

Alright, time for a little progress summary for this week! First of all, Solo has finished a new track for GENBA no Kizuna! Patrons can check out the full version here, but we have also provided a short preview on our Twitter and Instagram! With this, GENBA‘s OST currently sits at a total of 12 …

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Jan 05

Weekly Update #229: A Fresh Start Into A New Year

So here we are with the first weekly blog post of 2019! Hopefully, all of you had a great start into the new year and find yourselves brimming with the energy and determination needed to turn it into a very productive and successful one! I for one am certainly feeling motivated as heck to make …

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Dec 29

Weekly Update #228: 2018 Wrap-Up

Welp, this is awkward. First of all, I need to apologize for the lack of a weekly update last Saturday. The funny (well, actually rather sad) thing is, I had prepared the update in advance and the draft was ready to be published. All I needed to do was to hit that “Publish” button last …

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Aug 26

SHINRAI Anniversary 2018

Today, exactly two years ago, we finally released our first visual novel project SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair after a 3-year-long development journey. It’s difficult to imagine that it’s already been that long and, at this point, I begin to wonder if I will ever truly get used to the fact that we have actually …

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Jun 09

Weekly Update #199: GENBA no Kizuna’s Soundtrack

If you’ve kept an eye on our Twitter or YouTube channel recently, you might have already noticed, but we have finally uploaded another little video, previewing some BGM tracks for GENBA no Kizuna, composed by none other than Solo Acapello! And if you support us on Patreon, you can even download the full versions of …

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Jan 27

Weekly Update #180: Writing Investigation Segments

It’s been a week now since we have released an early beta version of GENBA no Kizuna’s demo on our Patreon page and we have already received some very helpful feedback for it! So I wanted to start today’s blog post by once again expressing my gratitude to everyone who has tried it out and …

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Dec 31

Weekly Update #176: A Look Back At 2017 & Ahead At 2018

Tomorrow’s the last day of 2017. With that in mind I have decided that, rather than postpone it until the 1st or even wait until next Saturday, I will use today’s blog post to take a look back at 2017 and give you an idea as to what you can expect from us in 2018. …

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Nov 26

Weekly Update #171: Demo Progress & Contents

Alright, we’re getting close to the end of November now so, as promised in last week’s blog post, today I will give you some more details on our demo for GENBA no Kizuna, ranging from content to current progress, so… let’s get right to it!

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Nov 12

Weekly Update #169: Sprite Variations

Over this past week, I have mostly worked on Keiichi’s and Nobuhiko’s sprites for the prologue. A lot of them are done now, but there’s still a little bit of work left to do. I guess you can expect to see some sprite previews next Saturday, or maybe even over the course of the coming …

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Sep 23

Weekly Update #162: Patreon

Alright, today, it’s finally time to talk about that other thing I’ve been working on recently, which I’ve alluded to in the previous two updates. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a few months now, going back and forth on the idea, but now we have decided to actually go through with it! The …

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