Tag Archive: Taiko

Oct 31

Happy Halloween!

This time around, I decided to finally go for an idea I’ve been wanting to draw for literal years now. Taiko didn’t wear a Halloween costume in the actual game, so I thought it’d be fun to think about what he would have dressed up as if he had decided to go in a costume …

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Apr 03

Weekly Update #346: Quick Progress Update

After my little writing break, I’ve returned to the script this week and thankfully had a much better time working on it. Progress is still slow, but it’s steady and I’m feeling much better about the script now, thanks to some of the recent stylistic changes I’ve made. I don’t want to go into detail …

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Dec 22

Winter Sale 2020

The year is slowly coming to a close, which means it’s time for the annual Winter Sale again! If you’d like to end 2020 in the only appropriate way, with lots of blood, death and despair, grab our murder mystery SHINRAI now and spend your holidays entangled in an elaborate murder plot! The sale lasts …

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Jul 25

Weekly Update #310: SHINRAI Update Progress

I’ve already talked about the changes and fixes regarding the script, so today, I’d like to talk a bit more about some of the others things that will get adjusted in our little update for SHINRAI. For one, there is the sound. Several tracks inside the game don’t loop properly, for instance, which is something …

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Aug 03

Weekly Update #259: Research & Writing Preparations

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, now that the extended GENBA no Kizuna demo is almost ready for its public release, I’m planning to get back into and mainly focus on writing again. My next major goal is to finish a first draft for the remaining chapters as soon as possible. Before I can …

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Jun 15

Weekly Update #252: Sprite Previews & New Art Poll

Time for another progress update! And we’ve actually made quite a bit of progress over the course of this week!

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Apr 21

Happy Easter 2019!

As you can clearly tell, this year’s May artwork is Easter-themed and, as voted by our patrons, Taiko ended up being the victim featured character this time! He looks kinda embarrassed, though. Is it because of the hoodie? Hmm, the colors look somewhat familiar. I wonder if a certain someone is behind this… Maybe Taiko …

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Jun 21

Summer Sale 2018

As of today, summer has officially started! And with it, Steam‘s annual Summer Sale! Just like last year, we have decided to join in, so if you’re looking for something to help you (or a friend) deal with the incoming summer heat, how about spending your time with a chilling murder mystery?

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Apr 21

Weekly Update #192: Plans For The Remainder of April

So, there has been a lot of stuff going on recently, which prevented me from making as much progress as I would have liked to. Consequently, there sadly isn’t too much of interest to talk about in terms of progress.

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Mar 14

Happy White Day!

Today is White Day and, as voted by our patrons, Taiko is sporting a nice suit for the occasion! Just who might his gift be for, though…? As always, patrons can also download a hi-res version of the picture, as well as a full and clean version of Taiko without the background over on Patreon. …

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