Tag Archive: Raiko

Feb 17

Weekly Update #498: Valentine’s Art & More GENBA Progress

A couple days ago was Valentine’s Day and even though I sadly didn’t have the time to draw anything myself for the occasion, I once again commissioned the ever so talented Jun to draw us something in her super adorable art style, so to start off today’s post, please check out these two cute little …

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Aug 27

Weekly Update #419: 6th Anniversary Update

To think it’s been six long years already since our little murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair was first released on PC and that we’re also getting closer to the one year anniversary of its console port… time really proceeds at an unrelenting pace! By now, our second project, GENBA no Kizuna, was long …

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Jan 09

Weekly Update #334: Plans For January

Since we’re already one week into the new year, today, I’d like to focus solely on my plans for the rest of this first month, before I’ll get into how exactly we’re planning to tackle 2021 in general in next week’s blog post. During this first week, I’ve been working on a number of different …

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Aug 15

Weekly Update #313: SHINRAI Notebook Update

As the title already states, today I’ll be talking about the notebook related changes that will be applied to SHINRAI with the upcoming anniversary update. Since the kanji for some character names have been changed, along with the D.O.B. format on the introduction cards, I had to update the character profiles accordingly:

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Oct 31

Happy Halloween!

It’s the spookiest day of the year again and this time, as voted by our patrons, our grumpy little Raiko has dressed up as Heather Mason, the protagonist of Silent Hill 3! And of course, she is accompanied by none other than Pyramid Bat, wielding the Great Knife!

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Oct 19

Weekly Update #270: Recent Developments

Alright, let’s jump right into another, very quick progress update! What have I been up to during this past week? Well, first of all, I continued working on the script here and there, whenever I found a moment to spare, planning and writing Keiichi‘s commentary for the first real investigation segment in GENBA no Kizuna. …

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Jun 25

Summer Sale 2019

Summer has begun and you know what that means! It’s time to check those digital distribution platforms and grab all those deliciously discounted games! Like our murder mystery visual novel, for example! That’s right, once again, we’re taking part in Steam‘s annual Summer Sale!

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Feb 04

Lunar New Year Sale 2019

The Lunar New Year Sale has started over on Steam and this year, we’ve decided to take part in it as well! So until February 11, 10:00 AM PST, you can acquire our murder mystery SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair, as well as its complete OST, for 40% off! There is also a Bundle available …

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Sep 29

Weekly Update #215: Background Progress

After tackling the Sprites for Rei and Shinketsu, I have mainly focused on finishing the “crime scene” version of the Main Hall background over this past week. Patrons can now get an early look at it over here! With this background finally out of the way, the assets for the next scene are now all …

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Sep 15

Weekly Update #213: Sprite Variety

As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I’ve been focusing on sprite work for GENBA no Kizuna again. Patrons can actually get a little preview of two of Shinketsu‘s more elaborate new poses. He was certainly a lot of fun to work on since, out of all the characters so far, he has the greatest …

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