Tag Archive: Nobara

Oct 29

SHINRAI Now Available For Consoles!

As of today, our little murder mystery visual novel SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair is officially available on consoles! Thanks to the help of our friends at Ratalaika Games, you can now purchase the game on a variety of platforms: Nintendo Switch Playstation 4 Playstation 5 Xbox One Xbox Series S/X

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Oct 23

Weekly Update #375: Halloween Preparations Complete

It’s almost time now! Halloween is just around the corner, so we’ve been pretty busy with the necessary preparations. Outside of the usual, we have something truly special happen this time around, after all. Next Friday, on the 29th of October, our murder mystery visual novel SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair will finally release on …

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Jun 29

Weekly Update #254: Extended Demo Content

Okay, so first of all, in case you haven’t noticed, Steam’s annual summer sale has begun! If you’ve been waiting for a chance to play our murder mystery SHINRAI, or for a friend to finally give it a try, now’s your chance to strike, as the game is currently 50% off! You can learn more …

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Jun 25

Summer Sale 2019

Summer has begun and you know what that means! It’s time to check those digital distribution platforms and grab all those deliciously discounted games! Like our murder mystery visual novel, for example! That’s right, once again, we’re taking part in Steam‘s annual Summer Sale!

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Aug 26

SHINRAI Anniversary 2018

Today, exactly two years ago, we finally released our first visual novel project SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair after a 3-year-long development journey. It’s difficult to imagine that it’s already been that long and, at this point, I begin to wonder if I will ever truly get used to the fact that we have actually …

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Apr 21

Weekly Update #192: Plans For The Remainder of April

So, there has been a lot of stuff going on recently, which prevented me from making as much progress as I would have liked to. Consequently, there sadly isn’t too much of interest to talk about in terms of progress.

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Oct 31

Happy Halloween!

So, here it is: this year’s Halloween artwork featuring Nobara getting haunted by Reiko, as voted by our patrons! If you’re supporting us on Patreon, you can also get a look at an alternate version of this picture, download them in higher resolution and check out the initial sketch along with some work-in-progress updates. Also, …

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