

Jun 22

Weekly Update #516: Chapter V Testing

While Natsu has spent this past week fixing the issues I’ve found during my chapter four test run, I’ve continued with more testing and am currently busy going through the fifth and final chapter, meaning that were getting very very close now to finally being able to share GENBA no Kizuna with our beta-testers!

As I’ve stated before, our goal isn’t necessarily to provide them with an absolutely perfect version of the game. It just needs to be fully playable from beginning to end, without any major issues or game-breaking bugs. After all, I will have to do a few more test runs myself anyway, during which we will focus on the smaller stuff. That said, being a perfectionist, I’m of course trying eliminate as many of the smaller issues as I can right now, too.

But yeah, ideally, I’d love to do a few more test runs myself before handing the game to others, but I really don’t want to drag out the beta-test phase any further, either. Especially not since I’ve looked over some of our very old blog posts from the weeks and months leading up to the SHINRAI release. Because, as it turns out, we are currently about just as far into the release preparations as we were back then! The beta-testing for our previous project ended in mid-July, so yeah…

It’d honestly be really neat if, from here on out, we could keep the same pace as back then!
Because I love the idea of releasing on the exact same day again.

But either way, we’re gonna keep working as hard as we can to get the beta-test build ready before the end of Jurassic June!
Which is why it’s time to get back to work, but not without leaving you with two more things:

First, we’ve just posted the second entry of our “Behind the Name” series over on Twitter, so if you’d like to know more about the meaning behind Shiku‘s name, be sure to check it out!

Finally, I once again commissioned JulyMarte for a Pokémon trainer version of one of our GENBA characters and…

…this is the result! Since Amber does not only love dinosaurs, but also plants, I wanted her to be accompanied by two Pokémon that reflect that idea, so I went with Bulbasaur, because it’s already got “saur” in its name, and Meganium, given that it looks similar to a sauropod (and Amber‘s favorite dinosaur is Diplodocus).

Anyway, I’m super happy with the result! JulyMarte really does amazing work, so please be sure to check out more of her art and maybe even give her a follow on Twitter and/or Instagram!

Now, as always, please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3