

Jun 01

Weekly Update #513: Plans For Jurassic June

The most important month of the year has once again come around: Happy Jurassic June, everyone!!
This year, we’d really like to share some exciting news with you regarding our upcoming murder mystery project GENBA no Kizuna!
So, today, let’s talk about our plans for this special dino-centric month!

As you may have seen last week, I’ve already started my own beta-test run and our primary goal right now is to finally hand out the full version of the game to others for testing. In order for that to happen, however, I first still need to thoroughly test the second half of the game myself, which I’m doing my hardest to get around to very soon now.

This past week, I’ve been mainly busy with some more script adjustments to the finale and bad ends and also finally whipped up a game over screen which I only yesterday noticed we were still lacking, ahaha. It’s nothing too fancy, since I didnt want to stray too far from how we did it in SHINRAI, but I think it gets the job done:

(There may have been a tiny bit of inspiration from old-school “Tales of” game over screens w)

So yeah, as you can probably already infer from this, an actual Jurassic June release sadly won’t work out. At the very least, we really want beta-testers to finally get their hands on the game this month, however, and hopefully also settle on a release date (so fingers crossed we and our testers won’t run into any exctinction-level issues)!

Either way, the game keeps getting closer and closer to being done and with Jurassic June being here now, I definitely wanna start being a lot more active social media-wise again and finally share more stuff, so expect new screenshots, videos, illustrations and, most important of all, more details about the finished game, including some final stats on its word count and play time!

I also think a Patreon update is long overdue, so if you’re supporting us there, keep your eyes peeled for some more in-depth thoughts and info there as well! Very likely even tomorrow!

Now, with that said, it’s time for me to return to work! As for you, please have a rexcellent start into June!
Until next Saturday, take care :3