

Nov 11

Weekly Update #484: Writing Progress

Let’s start off with another reminder that we’ve recently adjusted our release plans for GENBA no Kizuna, which you can read all about in this post right here, so if you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check it out!

With that out of the way, I’m gonna go right ahead and warn you that today will be another really quick update, since I’m extraordinarily busy at the moment, so apologies for that!

Anyway, Natsu has already finished properly coloring and shading half of the art assets I’ve sent her last week, which includes one of the new CGs and a couple of new sprite variations! Sadly, I once again can’t show any of them off, because they’re too spoilery “orz

As for me, I’ve primarily been working on the script again, trying to wrap up the final case discussion. There’s currently a lot of jumping back and forth involved, as I’m trying to figure out a better flow for it, shift some topics around and adjust or clarify things earlier on in the chapter. So, in a sense, I guess you could say I’m already polishing things up, even though the chapter isn’t fully written out yet. I am getting closer to that point, however. There are essentially only two more scenes left before I can move on to the final “social phase” and finish the entire thing at long last. And to get there ASAP, I’m gonna get right back to work now!

As always, please enjoy the remainder of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3