

Nov 04

Weekly Update #483: CGs Almost Done!

That’s right, another asset category is almost completely taken care of! After spending the majority of October working on the remaining CGs for GENBA no Kizuna, they’re almost all done now! At least my part on them is. I’m currently busy finishing the line art for the final one (which should be done by tomorrow evening), after which it’s up to Natsu to properly color them.

That means that, starting with the new week, I will get back to script work and fully dedicate myself to wrapping up the finale already.
Which will also be my major goal for this month. Script aside, there are a couple of little illustrations missing and potentially a few more sprite variations, but all the major assets are checked on my to-do list now. So yes, we keep getting closer to the end!

Nevertheless, there’s still quite a bit of work left to be done and, at this point, I must sadly admit that we can no longer fulfill our desire of a 2023 release, which is why we pushed it off into early 2024. I’ve covered the specific reasons for that in great detail in last week’s blog post, so be sure to check that one out if you haven’t already and if you’re curious to learn more!

Anyway, gonna leave it at that. Pretty short update, I know, but it’s late and I gotta get back to work, so…
Please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care :3