

Oct 07

Weekly Update #479: Soundtrack Completed

That’s right! The soundtrack for GENBA no Kizuna is fully done now! It will feature a total of 29 dinotastic tracks composed by our grand maestro Solo Acapello (30 if you count the chapter intro jingle which will naturally be included in the OST release as well):

In all honesty, I couldn’t be happier. Not only does the music sound absolutely amazing, working with Solo was also a delightfully smooth process, with him usually nailing my requests right with the first demo. It’s almost sad that his work on this project is done now, because getting to hear another new addition to the track list was always one of the most exciting and joyous moments for me.

But, of course, there will thankfully be future projects on which we’ll work together again and, technically, we’re not completely done with GENBA yet, either. There is actually one more track in the works, but I consider it more of a bonus. It won’t be used in any of the game’s scenes, but it will of course be found somewhere within the game and also be added to the OST release. It’s a somewhat bigger project that will require more time and work, so it’ll only be finished some time early next year.

But that’s about all I want to say about it at the moment!

Getting back to our actual BGM tracks, though… I’ve uploaded the most recent one Solo composed over on Patreon!
Due to the content drought that’s been going on there for a while now, I’ve made it available to lower tiers as well, so if you’re a 3$+ patron, be sure to head over and give it a listen! For everyone else, we also have a little teaser snippet, though:


Now, other than that, there isn’t much else to report this week. That’s not because we didn’t make any progress, however, but more because the progress we did make is mostly on the spoilery side again. I primarily continued with the script, getting another couple of scenes closer to the ending, and also started working on some assets again, particularly three new CGs. They will depict such things as the victim’s final moments in a flashback, so yeah… not really anything I can share or elaborate on, sorry!

Therefore, I guess we’ll leave things at this for today, so while I get back to work, I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Until next Saturday, take care :3