

Jan 21

Weekly Update #441: GENBA Steam Page Launch Preparations

For a while now, we’ve been working on getting the Steam store page ready for our new VN project GENBA no Kizuna and, over the course of this past week, we’ve taken care of the final preparations. As a matter of fact, I’ve even marked the store page as “ready for review” earlier this week, as Valve check everything themselves before they allow it to be published. Sadly, there were a couple of smaller things they wanted me to change and so the store page isn’t up already as I had hoped it would be…

I’ve already made the necessary adjustments, but rather than just verify those, Valve requires the whole thing to go through the review queue again, which can take up to three days and, since they’re not working on the weekends… well, it’s going to take a little longer. Hopefully, though, everything is fine now and we can finally publish the store page before our next weekly update, so…

Be sure to keep your eyes open for an announcement here on our website (or any of our social medias) and ready your mouse to click on that wishlist button!

Along with the Steam page, we will also publish a proper trailer for GENBA, so, hopefully, that will give you a much better idea as to what the game’s gonna be like.

Anyway, with that mostly taken care of, I can finally dedicate myself more to the actual development side of things again and have mostly tackled some art assets these last few days. The Himatsu CG for chapter four is now done (and will be up for patrons soon) and, right now, I’m trying to finish up the laundry room BG art as well, which I plan to finalize by the end of the weekend.

Meanwhile, Natsu has continued coding and finished up the first set of investigation routes for our penultimate chapter, so we’ve made quite some neat progress again! And on that note, there’s a bit more I’d like to get done today, so I guess I’m gonna get back to work now, while you will hopefully enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Again, keep your eyes peeled for the trailer and Steam store page popping up some time mid-week (if all goes well)!
Until then, please take good care :3