

Oct 31

Weekly Update #324: Happy Halloween!

As voted by our patrons, this year, SHINRAI‘s purple little witch is here to celebrate the spookiest day of the year with you!
If you are a patron, you can download a bigger version of the image here, along with just Kamen herself, no text, BG or anything!
The image has also been added to our gallery where you can find all the other spooky artworks from past Halloweens, as well.

Also, don’t forget that the game is currently 50% off, so if you’ve been wanting to try it for a while, or you know someone who’d enjoy it, this is the ideal moment to strike. What’s better than to solve a Halloween-themed murder mystery on Halloween, eh?

Anyway, given the occasion, today’s post will be kept short, but we’ll get back to some detailed GENBA no Kizuna progress soon.
By then, I might even have something new to show off! My next goal is to finish up the new background artwork, after all.

But until then, Natsu and I wish you to spend a super spooky time and have a fun All Hallows’ Eve! Take care ^w^