

Jul 11

Weekly Update #308: SHINRAI Script Update

As you can see, I’ve spent quite a lot of time going through SHINRAI over the past two weeks and by now, I have more or less finished taking a thorough look at the script. In the end, I discovered a couple of typos and a bunch of cases of “this sentence is way too long and could express the exact same things with better structure and a lot less words“.

There were also some weird instances left in which the “progress text”-arrow was kinda randomly stuck inside of the text…

I have also edited some textboxes for better readability and will make some slight adjustments in certain spots to conform with the story changes that SHINRAI‘s sequel has gone through, during the past four years. Outside of that, however, nothing all too major will be changed in terms of the script and nothing really new will be added, either.

So, if you were looking forward to new scene additions or anything like that, I’m sorry to disappoint you…

Some double-checking and proofreading is still in order, but again, this basically covers the script adjustments. The next thing I will look into is the sound. I want to update some sound effects, the volume needs to be adjusted in some places, and there are some rather long and awkward segments of complete silence, which I’d like to do something about as well.

Of course, there are also the BGM loops that need to be adjusted, but with Solo‘s help, that shouldn’t be much of a problem.

That more or less covers this week’s progress and our plans for next week. By the end of the month, we will ideally be done with the vast majority of this update, so that August can be used to focus more on GENBA no Kizuna again.

I do have to admit, though, that playing through SHINRAI again kind of helped me a little in regards to some of the difficulties I’ve been having with GENBA‘s final chapter. So I’m actually glad that I decided to go through our first game again in such detail.

Anyway, there is still much left to be done, so I’ll get back to work and hope that you will enjoy the rest of your weekend instead!
Until next Saturday, take care :3