

Oct 06

Weekly Update #216: Halloween Preparations

The month of Halloween has finally begun and, as always, it’s going to be a slightly busier one, since it obviously holds special significance for us. There are quite a few things that need to be prepared for the end of October, which I’ve already started to focus on. Just before typing this blog post, for example, I uploaded a WIP-preview for this year’s Halloween artwork over on Patreon!

Of course, that’s not the only thing I’ve been working on! Right now, I’m also busy with the first actual CG for GENBA no Kizuna. I’ve already made some good progress on it, but there are still more things that need to be fixed before I’ll truly feel satisfied with it.

I’m also currently working on Himatsu‘s sprites, since she is going to be the next character to be introduced in the game. It will probably take a bit more before I can show some previews of her variations, but in the meantime, I can show you something else!
I kinda forgot about this while preparing all the sprites for the next scene, but Keiichi actually needed a new expression as well… just for his interactions with Shinketsu. So, here you can have an early look at an annoyed Keiichi:

Now, you might have already seen him on Twitter, or spotted him in our gallery, but of course I have to post him here as well:
Hiro, the greatest exorcist of all time, as drawn by Natsu for our September artwork!

The perfect image to start into the month of October, don’t you think?

In other news, Jax has finished her Twitch playthrough of SHINRAI, so if you want to get a good impression of our murder mystery visual novel, or you simply want to see someone else work their brain gears to solve its mysteries… you can check it out here!

And if you’re in the mood for even more mysteries, keep an eye out for the visual novel Pitch Black Serenade! A demo, containing what could be described as its first episode, will be released very soon!

I guess that’s about all for today, so please enjoy the rest of your weekend and, until next Saturday, take care! :3