

Sep 29

Weekly Update #215: Background Progress

After tackling the Sprites for Rei and Shinketsu, I have mainly focused on finishing the “crime scene” version of the Main Hall background over this past week. Patrons can now get an early look at it over here!

With this background finally out of the way, the assets for the next scene are now all there, meaning that we can soon start to code it. The current plan is to have an early version of the scene ready for patrons next month, so that they can help us with bug-testing.

Since coding will be primarily Natsu‘s task, I have started to continue with asset work for the next scene after that. I’m currently focusing on the very first CG of the game, which is actually a lot of fun to work on. I can’t wait to share a preview of it soon!

Afterwards, I guess I’ll be taking care of Himatsu‘s sprites and then… our four suspects. So there is quite a bit of work lying ahead.

I will also need to take care of this year’s Halloween artwork soon, now that October is right around the corner. To get everyone into the right mood, this month’s artwork actually has a spooky vibe to it, too. You can now check out some WIP-previews over on Patreon, but keep your eyes peeled on Twitter, as the finished version will be posted soon!

In other news, Jax has continued her SHINRAI playthrough, so you can now check out the next part in her archive on Twitch!

And finally, Khana has drawn a super adorable chibi version of our adult Raiko, which I simply had to share here as well:

And with this, I wish you a very nice remainder of your weekend! Until next Saturday, take care! :3