Yep, that’s right, this week has been fully dedicated to script work again! I didn’t even have much of a choice, since last Saturday, just a couple hours after posting the update, my pc monitor actually died on me, so… until I have a new one (which should be on its way), I can’t really …
Tag Archive: SHINRAI
Jan 30
Weekly Update #337: Plans For February
So, before we get into today’s main topic, let’s start off with a quick progress update! As you can see above, I’ve worked on sprites a bit more and have finished a new variation for Shiku. With this, all her sprites for chapter one have been drawn now! I also continued working on the sprites …
Jan 16
Weekly Update #335: Plans For 2021
In last week’s blog post, I focused on our plans for the first month of 2021. Today, I’d finally like to take a look at the year in general. During the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how exactly to tackle the new year, what goals to set for myself and …
Jan 09
Weekly Update #334: Plans For January
Since we’re already one week into the new year, today, I’d like to focus solely on my plans for the rest of this first month, before I’ll get into how exactly we’re planning to tackle 2021 in general in next week’s blog post. During this first week, I’ve been working on a number of different …
Dec 26
Weekly Update #332: 2020 Retrospect
With the year slowly coming to a close, today, I’d like to take the time to look back on it, on what we originally set out to do, how things actually unfolded and what we have ultimately accomplished. 2020 was a ride full of unexpected surprises. From a global pandemic to many personal difficulties and …
Dec 22
Winter Sale 2020
The year is slowly coming to a close, which means it’s time for the annual Winter Sale again! If you’d like to end 2020 in the only appropriate way, with lots of blood, death and despair, grab our murder mystery SHINRAI now and spend your holidays entangled in an elaborate murder plot! The sale lasts …
Dec 19
Weekly Update #331: Another Quick Progress Update
Once again, I’ve been pretty busy and have therefore run out of time, so we gotta keep this post short, unfortunately. So, what’s been going on this past week? Well, I’ve been working on a variety of things, actually. Most of them, I can’t get into much detail about, due to their spoilery nature, but …
Dec 05
Weekly Update #329: Quick Progress Update
Today, we’re going to do a very quick update, although there is a bit more for patrons to read, as I’ve published an new special blog post. Continuing from last week, it talks about the setup for Withering Without Hope and Broken Beyond Despair‘s effects on it. As for GENBA no Kizuna, I have continued …
Nov 28
Weekly Update #328: CG & BGM Progress
This past week, I’ve focused on drawing the “dead body” CG for GENBA no Kizuna, which is quite an undertaking to say the least. I’ve made a lot of progress on it, but there’s still some work left to be done. It took me quite a while to figure out the exact perspective and angle. …
Nov 21
Weekly Update #327: BGs, CGs, Sprites & WWH
After a bit more BG work, I have finally finished a variation for the 1st Floor Main Hall and one for the 2nd Floor Main Hall. That now only leaves one more variation of the 1st floor and all the necessary BGs for the first three chapters of GENBA are done! Hopefully, I can get …