As the title of this post already gave away, this past week, I’ve been primarily concerned with testing GENBA no Kizuna and refining it! Basically, I’ve started to go through the entire game from the beginning again to check if everything is in order, both on a technical level and regarding the script. I also …
Category Archive: Dev Blog
May 18
Weekly Update #511: Another Quick Progress Update
So, last week, I mentioned a huge zip package I was preparing for Natsu and by now, she has essentially already taken care of coding everything that was inside of it! The gallery illustrations still need to be properly placed and there is some checking/testing to be done in order to ascertain whether everything works …
May 11
Weekly Update #510: Quick Progress Update
Yep, it’s a shorter post today, given how late it already is and how busy I still am. Since Natsu has just finished coding everything from the previous zip package I gave her, I really want to send the next one over ASAP. Thankfully, that really only requires some more double-checking, but it’s a lot …
May 04
Weekly Update #509: Extras & Plans For May
Last week, I primarily worked on the credits and results screen for GENBA no Kizuna, figuring out how to handle the Detective Ranking this time around. Ever since then, I’ve moved on to the game’s extras section!
Apr 27
Weekly Update #508: Detective Ranking
I’ve mostly wrapped up work on the credits for GENBA no Kizuna now. All that’s left to do in that regard is the Patreon section, as I’m still waiting for some of our patrons to tell me if and how they’d like to be credited. So, in the meantime, I’ve moved on to tackling the …
Apr 20
Weekly Update #507: Credits
As you can see from the title, this past week, I’ve been primarily working on the credits sequence for GENBA no Kizuna, so I figured we could delve into that topic a little more today. There are essentially two parts to the credits: the credits themselves and the “epilogue” scenes interspliced with them, just like …
Apr 13
Weekly Update #506: Quick Progress Update & Mystery Gamedev Website
Last week, I talked a bit more about the connection between SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair and GENBA no Kizuna and how, even though there is a chronological order to them, you can really play them in any order you wish. So, if you want to learn a bit more about that, be sure to …
Apr 06
Weekly Update #505: Which Order…?
I’ve talked about the differences and similarities between GENBA no Kizuna and SHINRAI – Broken Beyond Despair before, particularly when it comes to the feel of both projects, how we approached them or how the mysteries and characters are handled (which you can read all about here). However, I haven’t properly addressed yet how exactly …
Mar 30
Weekly Update #504: Another Quick Update
Alright, since today was pretty busy and it’s a bit late now, we’ll unfortunately have to settle with another super quick post today. And I figured I might as well take the opportunity to direct you towards a couple other, lengthier posts we’ve published recently. With GENBA no Kizuna nearing its completion, we have started …
Mar 23
Weekly Update #503: Quick Progress Overview
Last week, we’ve unveiled GENBA no Kizuna‘s theme song “Dig Deep”, so if you haven’t heard it yet, be sure to check it out here! We’ve provided a lengthy preview in the post, while patrons can even check out the full song! I’m really happy with the result and think everyone working on it did …