For this year’s White Day, we have a little surprise artwork by Natsu, featuring the mysterious Kagayaku!
Category Archive: Dev Blog
Mar 07
Weekly Update #290: Writing Revelations
So, I’ve continued working on the outline for the final chapter of GENBA no Kizuna and it’s slowly taking shape. The problem with it is that, similar to SHINRAI‘s finale, the entire case needs to be wrapped up. All the mysteries need to be solved and the culprit needs to be exposed in one lengthy …
Feb 29
Weekly Update #289: GENBA Research Topics
While continuing my work on the outline for GENBA no Kizuna, which mainly consists of structuring the final discussion/revelation of all the mysteries at the moment, I’ve ended up doing some more research on various topics. Research is always a very important aspect to me, when it comes to writing a story. Thus, I’ve decided …
Feb 22
Weekly Update #288: Outline Progress & SHINRAI OST Update
Alright, today’s gonna be another very quick progress update. I am still continuing my work on the outline for the remaining GENBA chapters, currently structuring the discussion phase in the third one. Here, Keiichi and the others confront Raptor Pack Productions with some of their findings during the initial investigation phase (chapter 2). This chapter …
Feb 15
Weekly Update #287: GENBA Story Planning
After finishing the Valentine’s artwork earlier this week, I was finally able to fully commit myself to the writing for GENBA no Kizuna. As mentioned in the posting regarding our plans for February, I am currently working on a very detailed outline for the entire rest of the game, so today, I would like to …
Feb 08
Weekly Update #286: Valentine’s Preparations
Very quick update today, as I’m kinda short on time, but there isn’t anything major to report, anyway. With Valentine’s Day coming up in less than a week, I’ve been working hard on the monthly artwork and will hopefully finish it within the next two days. I’d really like to have my part on it done …
Feb 01
Weekly Update #285: Plans For February
Before we get into today’s main topic, let’s start with a quick little update regarding the progress I’ve made over the past seven days! As mentioned in last week’s blog post, I worked on the base sprite for GENBA no Kizuna‘s second witness character, which was my main focus this week. I’m not completely done …
Jan 25
Weekly Update #284: The Mysterious Witnesses
Alrighty, this time, it’s going to be a bit harder to talk about my progress for this week, let alone show any of it. It’s not like it’s about something that would ruin the mystery or even the story of GENBA no Kizuna, yet I would still consider it kind of a “spoiler”. Or rather, …
Jan 18
Weekly Update #283: Art Poll, Music, Merch & More CG Progress!
Once again, I’m feeling very happy with the progress I’ve made this week! There’s quite a bit to talk about, so let’s get right into it: First of all, we have published a new art poll on Patreon! If you support us there, you can now help us decide which character will be featured in …
Jan 11
Weekly Update #282: CG Progress
First off, here’s another little reminder that we have published a summary of 2019, as well as an overview of our plans for 2020, so if you are curious about the development progress of GENBA no Kizuna and our goals for the next months, be sure to check them out! Now, with this out of …